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Where are those engine parts and luggages?

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posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

By asymetric thrust I meant that if one wing hits a resistant object and the other doesn't, physics dictates that the aircraft will spin slightly to the impact side: the aircraft will NOT just plow through it with absolutely no effect. For a pilot to react to and recover from such several times in a few seconds is beyond human capacity. The aircraft will become uncontrollable: even a highly skilled pilot wouldn't be able to respond to multiple impacts and maintain a steady course, much less one semi-skilled at best. Structural damage to the wings and controls is a fixed consequence of light pole impact, the only question is how much and what effect it had on controllability. For an aircraft to hit even one object that close to the ground and maintaning level flight and a steady course defies everything I have ever experienced about aircraft and flight profiles.

Again, we have the M&M scenario: a virtually indestuctible aircraft outside the building, inside, supremely destructrible.

I just find that impossible to reconcile.

And the aircraft I mentioned was not a Herc, it was a military version of a Boeing 707, filled with huge amounts of jet fuel, the fuel fires burned most of the fuselage but left the engines intact, more or less.

[edit on 14-6-2009 by apacheman]

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by apacheman

For an airplane at slower speeds, yes. Taxiing at 20 kts, hit a pole with one wing, yes you will start to get spun into a new direction.

Going faster, (100 kts?) hitting the same pole, same wing, same place? Less of a directional change, as the momentum and kinetic energy of the airplane tends to compel it in the previous trajectory.

This momentum/kinetic energy situation increases directly with increased velocity. (F=MA)

As you said, the structures of the airplane wing are quite strong. Had the airplane hit something, like a light pole, several minutes earlier, then the damage to the wing would have had a definite effect. But, again, at the point of light pole impacts, the 'die was cast'. (Mere yards from the building). Tremendous kinetic energies, and momentum, did the rest.

I can drive by the Pentagon, right now, and look at the surrounding area. It's different, than nearly eight years ago. Perhaps this confuses some?

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
Why? Do you have the maintenance records for that particular airframe? I could tell you it was a Series 600-C-3-1 serial number 3423-78930-001 and you would have no way to verify it

Swampfox, you would have no way to prove those numbers are true.

Without the proper paper-trail, your numbers are bunk.

Why do you refuse to supply the proper, verifiable evidence for the serial numbers of the alleged black boxes?

[edit on 15-6-2009 by tezzajw]

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by tezzajw

But Tezz, doesnt this play into your second part of the game? Even if Swampfox or someone else posted the actual serial numbers, and the govt site from which they were found, you would still dismiss them as fake, because they came from a govt site and therefore have been altered? So you see, what is the point? The govt is allegedly behind this as is being claimed, so even if anyone were able to post you the answers you want, you'd still dismiss them.

So in effect this boils down to, you want the serial numbers, but they must come from the govt source. However, the govt is allegedly behind this and planted evidence, therefore even if we give the numbers and the source, it is inadmissable on the fact that it is most definately faked/changed/altered/planted, and therefore the ongoing conspiracy stays in one piece. So what exactly is the point tezz? Its almost as if you want the conspiracy true and you will bend, twist, and change the rules as much as you can to get your preconcieved notion true.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
But Tezz, doesnt this play into your second part of the game?

What game? I asked for serial numbers for the black boxes and you think that I am playing a game?

Is it that hard for you to provide them and prove the identity of the alleged black boxes?

Even if Swampfox or someone else posted the actual serial numbers, and the govt site from which they were found, you would still dismiss them as fake, because they came from a govt site and therefore have been altered?

The only thing that saves you from making uninformed and speculative claims in your above paragraph, is your question mark. By asking a question, you're not sure if that will happen, or not.

Provided that there was sufficient proof to identify the black boxes, that's all that's required.

Up until now, that has not happened.

Why is it so difficult for official story believers to understand that the identity of those alleged black boxes has been shrouded in mystery?

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

I was pretty sure that I stated my position pretty clearly. You will NEVER accept any source I could possibly give you when it comes to the data recorders...even if I had one that listed the serial numbers.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
I was pretty sure that I stated my position pretty clearly....even if I had one that listed the serial numbers.

I got to hand it to you, Swampfox - you stated it just like it is!

You don't have the serial numbers and you admit it and that's as clear as your position can be stated.

You can not prove that those alleged black boxes are the ones that they are claimed to be.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 03:21 AM
It is pointless debating the complete 911 LIES and CON here.

The same resident 911 ''debunkers'' turn out and continually spout rubbish and deflect the topic. They are just here to try and stifle the growing concern over the whole issue.

Time and time again the flaws in the ''official fairy tale'' have been pointed out but they are not here to consider them, only to try and keep a lid on the growing awareness that it is all a lie.

They post the same stupid pictures and spout the same stupid reasoning using the same tactics, hoping that less people will realise it was all a BIG CON.

Ask yourself, why would someone who believes the ''official fairy tale'', spend hours reading and posting to a site where people plainly do not buy into this nonsense anymore? If you look at the posts the same names occur with the same official drivel.

It must be worrying them because more people are rejecting the ''official fairy tale''. It must be very worrying because it leads to the question :

#### What will America do when it fully realises that it has been attacked by its own government ?

[edit on 16-6-2009 by mumblyjoe]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by mumblyjoe

Ask yourself, why would someone who believes the ''official fairy tale'', spend hours reading and posting to a site where people plainly do not buy into this nonsense anymore? If you look at the posts the same names occur with the same official drivel.

I think they post here so this "Stupid Witch Hunt" doesn't get out of hand and some Stupid Witch hunter doesn't walk into a museum and kill an innocent person. Thats why I started posting here.

The 911"Truth" Movement has asked me to look at their "evidence" and I have: from paint chips to "pull it" to "free fall speed" to space rays; YOU HAVE NOTHING.

This thread asks me: where are the engine parts and luggage? They are beyond the point of impact, where they should be.

Where's the tail? Its carbon fiber; it shattered into small peices, the resin burned off and the small pieces of carbon cloth drifted off with the wind.

Where are the wings? The fuel obviously ruptured the wing skins and what was left of the main spars dragged the debris inside. Ailerons, Flaps, Spoilers, LE Slats - Also carbon fiber.

What about the debris on the lawn? It's obviously from N644AA. When the nose impacted the building, the air inside the forward cabin deflected aft; the air in the aft cabin rushed foward. Where the two met, a compression explosion occurred producing enough energy to offset the debris' forward momentum and throwing it clear... before the fire ball.

Fly Over, Missile, North of Citgo, Exploding Lite Poles=Stupid Witch Hunt!
11.2 G's is my personal favorite.


posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

Oy...talking to a box of rocks would be easier.

The only way I could ever show you the serial numbers matched....would be to post links to government sites. You will NEVER accept that as a source, so in that sense, you will never accept the truth about 9/11 because all the evidence would be from US government sources.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
The only way I could ever show you the serial numbers matched....would be to post links to government sites.

Swampfox, you're speculating on the next step, when you haven't taken the first step.

The first step is to show the serial numbers for the black boxes.

Try doing that first and then we'll take it one step at a time, really slow, so that you don't get lost in the process.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

And the only source for those serial numbers...would be from a federal document/website.....

I am not sure what is so hard for you to understand about that....

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:25 AM
Now children gather around while I tell you a story. It is called the ''official 911 fairy tale''.

It all begins in a cave in a country far away where an evil genius called Osama sits and plans his evil deeds. He sends forth his evil men (we don't know who and we don't know how many) to hijack 4 American planes.

The unskilled pilots manage to crash 2 of the planes into the twin towers in New York because the evil Osama has cast a spell and all American defenses have failed. He then casts another spell and causes the Twin Towers and building 7 to crumple to the ground in dust. Never before in history has a steel-framed building managed to do this without a controlled demolition, but his spell is powerful and the 3 buildings collapse. His spell is so powerful that they are unable to to out the fires for weeks afterwords

Then his evil men fly one of the planes into the Penta-con. Again Osama casts his spell and all American defenses fail to work. Now this is a special plane because it is like an M&M, hard on the outside but disappears on the inside. They manage to crash the plane into to Penta-con through a very tiny hole because the wings fold back and the tail folds down. When it is inside the magic works again because the plane disappears! Somehow there is a huge fire that melts the whole plane, engines, luggage, seats, everything, but right beside it there is no damage. There are filing cabinets and even a monitor that has not melted. A very special magical fire indeed. Also when the plane went into the building, it did not touch the ground on the outside and it did not touch the ground on the inside.

But all of Osama's plans do not work. One of the planes is forced to crash into the ground in Shanksville. So from his cave far away Osama casts another spell and the plane is swallowed into the ground. There are no engines, no seats, no tail, no luggage and no bodies, they have just disappeared. All that remains is some rubble and some smoke.

Well children, do you like the story, do you believe it ? What, you don't believe it!

Well apparently millions of Americans do.....

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
And the only source for those serial numbers...would be from a federal document/website.....
I am not sure what is so hard for you to understand about that....

So post the numbers, Swampfox!

What's so hard for you to understand about that?

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