posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:51 AM
Today, if you are just a little bit intelligent, you can easily decipher NWO's plans and activities just by watching the mass media: Bird Flu, Swine
Flu, Tamiflu vaccine, financial crisis, "war on terror", terrorism prevention camps, RFID chip, etc, etc.
So, the big question is: why the NWO plans and activities are out in the open?
Two possible answers:
1) NWO are about to take over and they don't really care if some of us are in the knowing, because right now, we cannot do anything about it any
longer. Even though many of us can see that we are spinning down the toilet, we cannot do anything to prevent ourselves from being flushed with the
rest of the sheep. It's too late.
2) NWO is covering up for some bigger event planned on a larger scale and while Alex Jones and the rest of us falsely believe that we are "exposing"
them, we are all being fooled.
What do you think?