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Cavities Cure Discovered by US Doctor

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posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:06 AM

ONI Biopharma Inc recently completed an initial FDA trial of its "SMaRT Replacement Therapy", the name given to their drug which completely eliminates tooth decay, according to our interview with Dr. Jeffery Hillman, the developer of the cure. Dr. Jeffery Hillman, research professor at the University of Gainesville Florida and research scientist at ONI Biopharma, told Community Crown the cure was discovered during his research in the 1980's, but because of the unique nature of the drug a more complete testing process is in being run before it is placed on the market.

Cavities are caused by a high acid level in the mouth according to oral health experts[1]. That high acidity is primarily caused by bacteria known as S. Mutans. Dr. Hillman pointed out to Community Crown that the harmful bacteria strain, S. Mutans, was not as prolific a few centuries ago when people ate less table sugar (and presumably more nutrient rich fruits and vegetables). Because of the difference in diets from then to now, cavities were not common. However the modern day diet includes many sugars that welcome the cavity-causing S. Mutans bacteria, and also exclude fruit and vegetables that promote healthy teeth ("An apple a day keeps the dentist away"), leading to more cavities in the modern age.

Dr. Hillman found that by replacing the cavity-causing bacteria with a more friendly version which does not cause high acid levels in the mouth, cavities may be prevented completely. While damage already done to teeth may not be reversed, it seems to stop further damage completely. The treatment will be eventually sold in a liquid or gel solution that is to be spread on the teeth. The patient then may eat some sugar immediately to speed up the treatment, as strange as that may sound. Table sugar acts as a glue to help the treatment attach to teeth.

The FDA phase IA trial was recently completed with successful results according to Dr. Hillman, so phase IB is now being planned by ONI Biopharma.


Additional sources are available by running a google search for BCS3-L1, which is the technical name of the latest version of the "drug". I put drug in quotes because the treatment is actually a bacteria. But because the bacteria has been genetically modified it is legally a drug.

Personally I find this to be among the greatest discoveries in the history of medicine and will give probiotics a good name. I'm sure some people will hate that it is a genetically modified bacteria but the guy in charge is clearly taking a very large amount of time to make sure the treatment is safe.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:26 AM
I'm pretty sure something "bad" will happen in the FDA approval procedure to not make this public. The dental industry is a huge one mainly based on filling cavities in tooth, I don't see that crashing overnight due to greed and corruption.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by broli

Yeah and it's a shame really, sometimes we need to make sacrifices for the world to become a better place, people may lose their jobs, with oil companies, health care etc but in the end, the world would still be better off.

What is more valuable? Health or money?

[edit on 23-5-2009 by _Phoenix_]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:35 AM
yep, just like the wonder drug announcements for everything else, you won't ever see this come to fruition, and when questioned about it, a lame excuse will be offered.
There is just no profit in us being healthy.
The viscious cycle is give us everything to make us sick, then tell us we need to be healthy,offer us bandaid solutions, and keep promising that if we donate money to research cures will be found.
bullcrap on a stick.
I find this utterly backwards...
If those in the food manufacturing industry know how bad sugar is for us, why are these foods allowed to be produced and sold?
Dentists are not the real evildoers, although masochistic by nature I'm sure...they simply sponge off the real evil, those that get us addicted to the wrong foods in the first place.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:56 AM
I seem to remember that HPV vaccine was a wonder treatment but turns out it has a ton of bad side effects.

I will reserve my judgment on this matter for later trials of the drug.
Though I am pessimistic the FDA will even allow it to come out.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by AccessDenied
If those in the food manufacturing industry know how bad sugar is for us, why are these foods allowed to be produced and sold?
Dentists are not the real evildoers, although masochistic by nature I'm sure...they simply sponge off the real evil, those that get us addicted to the wrong foods in the first place.

I don't think that sugar is bad for us, but rather that more natural foods are good. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with nutrition while sugary food simply does not have much. So its not that junk food is bad, its that is simply isn't good. I think as long as people eat fruits & vegetables then sugar won't be a negative factor for their health.

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