posted on May, 22 2009 @ 09:21 PM
Lets face it ladies and gentlemen, the Labour Party, the Conservatives and the Liberals are all pretty damn awful. They are out of touch with reality,
no clue at all what most people are going through on a daily basis. For a long time i have been annoyed with these parties but with the entire recent
MP expenses debacle i'm finally done with them. The labour party has turned into a nanny state party, they may as well call themselves communists.
The conservatives looked like they were having a revival and then carried on with the old boy network rubbish and the liberals, don't get me started.
So who should we vote for?
UKIP? An awful party. Whilst they talk rather nicely they fail on many issues and their organisation isn't in place to take over a government.
BNP? A racist bunch of scumbags who would deport anyone who wasn't white if they could get away with it.
The greens? Absolutely no direction, they talk about the enviroment but they struggle on any serious issues like the NHS or benefits.
There are many others but the point is i cannot see a good party through all of this. I really will vote independant. What do others on ATS think?