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First, And Possibly Last, Recording Of My Space Brothers Fly Over In Halifax

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posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by ledhead
reply to post by cmazzagatti
Interesting video. She either needs to learn how to hold a camera still, or get a tripod though.

Would you demonstrate that for us with one of your videos of a moving UFO please, on digital zoom. I would like to see how it is done, I am sure a person such as yourself knows how to call these UFO's and keep the camera still when they are moving.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by TheJuice902 were right. it has nothing to do with ur exact location, it either is meant to be or it isn't. end of story. thank you for helping me a bit. new plain. next step. always another step. but i can admit this. as far as i know. i am fully sane. I felt it tonight, i saw the light. it wasn't a plane. i tryed to show me friends minutes later. no luck. he wasn't ready. like i wasnt for so long. i saw a plane go by soon after. much different. it was no plane. wow. i will admit. i didn't know what to think. but i did at the same time. either wya. thanks again. 1

Juice, and you verify the location in the city you were, what direction you faced, the time of that sighting and the nature of the sighting. Thanks. And your feelings.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by TheJuice902
there.anyways back to my company and my corona's. yeah im havin a few beers. sue me. i know what i saw.

Juice, this might not be what you meant, but I sort of want to address something using this statement. People have perceptions of spirituality and divinity on this planet that I believe is perverted.

Last summer I used to hit the bars and chat and one or two beer, and mediate under the stars when I felt I wanted too on the way home. I was in my flow.

People receive negative messages in society, like drinking beer, or if you want this change you must do this, seeing UFO's, no beer, whatever. That is human talk, not spirit walk.

Think back to that feeling you had just in that moment you wrote you had a few beer. That is the emotion some people need to eradicate, self judgement. It is a major step.

In my opinion, your divinity calls for a few things, to live your life in a spirit that displays the glory of the universe, not to intentionally manipulate or harm another person for your own benefit or gain, and not to restrict the divinity or freedom of another human as long as their actions meets the former rule.

So you are on a shift, I see this. This is going to get intense, drop any thoughts that link to concepts that have been presented to you, just keep the simple rules. I have more in the future on this.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 09:40 AM
I don't want to say exactly when this happened. But this talk of the flashing lights reminds me of an evening where I was at my door, and outside for 2 hours, just before bed. I did try to sneak up to bed and sleep right in the middle. I received an enormous greeting. I'm not going to go into it in detail, however, in the end not much was said. I was so excited, had gone into fangirl mode. But I could sense 3 distinct energies or species. Grey, nordic and the question mark. This is something that I do. As soon as it happened I began to talk myself into rational thought and that was all in my head, and turned to go in, and the biggest huge flash of white light streaked, first behind the tree. I was confused and tried to walk around to see what large star had gotten distorted, say out of the corner of my eye. That wasn't it. So, I'm going in again, and a huge white flash between the two groups of trees. So everytime I tried to convince myself this was in my head and tried to go in, there was a huge flash of white light, a streaking flash.

Then, since they weren't knocking on my door, and I was so tired, and confused by what they were doing, and I actually felt like I was being tested somehow, I went upstairs to try and sleep. This building excitement and an urgent need to go back outside brought me back down. My 17 year old was up, so he stood out with me for some of the time. I really thought they were going to show up, face to face. We ended up watching several times a craft soundlessly fly out back. As usual, it was just a big red light to me, but close enough and from the front so it should have made noise and revealed 3 lights and wings. My son who has eagle eyes, said it was saucer shaped. I don't know why they kept me up for 2 hours there. I just wanted to go to sleep!

Then another night, I woke up from a nap and betwen 10:30-11:30 I sat outside enjoying the evening. There was an event at the field across the road, and planes kept flying over. We always note them, from every height, distance, direction, to see what they look like, their lights, the level of noise they make, the way they look from behind, from the side, from the front. I started feeling that we were being monitored. My son and I had some interesting conversations about some of the articles Ingo Swann had written on biominds website. I ended up convincing myself it was in my head again. Suddenly a huge greeting sounded in my head "I'M GOING TO GREET YOU RIGHT UP CLOSE!" For a split second I thought someone was showing up, when suddenly a craft flew over the townhouse roof to the side of us, very low. The light covering it had height so it looked tall. Didn't know what it was, but it made no noise, and I was definitely pinging. My son was near the door at the tv, so he came out and said that its not a plane, its similar shaped body but not really wings, but that it was tail down, nose in the air, at an upright slant, flying forward, which is why there was height.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by mystiq

This is very interesting Mystiq. Can you define greeting for me, I am not clairvoyent or psychic, or not aware of it, and I do not know some of these terms or positions you are speaking of. It helps me put it in context, and is it auditory, or visual, etc.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:18 AM
For me, its an energetic often message in your head. "Hello there." In the two examples given, as on April 12th of last year, when I was in the house, when we had our first siting in Chilliwack (my first after years, and my childrens first altogether), it was a loud clear words that directly answered my thoughts at the time "WE represent the human race!". I don't know that its actually a voice or whether your mind translates it into what sounds like a male voice, because your ear isn't picking up a sound vibration, but as everything seems to be a wave, I think your mind translates the frequency wave into a similar thing.

When we had the flyovers September to November, I was shown a picture of a nordic couple, male and female and it was the woman who communicated, telepthatically. Again it seemed like a voice, in the sense that you could feel her energy/personality. But that was more rapid, a little too fast and I had to ask for it to slow down, impressions, pictures, concepts. And it was only in November that I really got a message, it was like they were testing me and getting me familiar or used to them first. In September, my son and I watched this particular craft many times and he had told me on several occasions late at night it was chased by a chopper. He called me out for it and I saw it. That was the first night I recieved a clear picture of the couple and a greeting.

Then in October he called me out, again I received the postcard. We went in, I tried to convince him to not go out in the evening. They actually had a kind of cool scientific feel to them. But he'd had experiences in September that he could remember and missing time, so he wasn't up to listening to me. Suddenly, he leapt from his chair, and though we couldn't hear anything, said, "they're back!" We ran outside and they soundlessly flew low over our roof again. Then my son pointed to an evergreen cluster out back and there was a largish orb there. People always wonder what they are. They are probes, and they are from nordic vessels primarily.

They have never given me earth changing messages! Though in November it was more of a low key awakening that was required, in communities, grass roots, locally. Do things locally to wake people up. That seemed to be the gist of the message, because I was always asking how we could help the world in ways that were safe.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 10:33 AM
If you really are interested, this is the Ingo Swann Database I've been reading and taking notes on:

I highly recommend his Coast to Coast interview on youtubes. He talks specifically about the scientific breakthroughs that have discovered many more receptors or senses than our 5, for over 60 years now. Not this has leaked into mainstream data. Art Bell shared an interesting software where you had a box of white noise, and a picture and you concentrated and turned it into the picture.
This is PK. And Ingo actually wasn't aware at first which program he was using and asked if it was the telepathy one. He writes a lot about what telepathy isn't, but doesn't give straight answers about what it is. But basically its our intent that counts a lot, much like the intent to remember dreams, if you keep doing this, you often start to remember them, at least you have waking up. So you have to intend to toggle your many thousands of switches on. Its one way of describing it. In other words, I believe like he did, that everyone has all these latent abilities. But that we live in limited reality boxes, paradigms, and that our switches only go one for what use. But that practice creates new ones.

I've only been reading and studying on this for a few months now, but have always been a little psi. But the point is, everyone is.

We are, as Ingo called it, sensing systems. The materialistic universe keeps becoming more and more vague, as matter gets smaller and smaller, in fact it could all be waves. And the various elements, or dimensions, or exotic elements interpenetrate with each other. He said we were biologically, with all of our toggles and senses, over-endowed for our limited 3d world functions.

Ets know all of this and they can communicate this way with people. I can't do this with another person, though I can ping on them or feel when they're about to arrive, who's on the phone, strongly sense them right when they're sending you and email.

Edit to add: the universe, and its dimensions, is most likely waves. We're probably all harmonics and various wave lengths. With all the talk of the military program Silent Talk, and technology enhancing telepathy, its pretty evident they've mapped this in the mind, but they want control, a microchip.
Because if people toggle their switches and use their sense, they won't have control. It won't be a pyramid system anymore. They'd probably love to have cyanide in all those chips too, as Saudi Arabia was attempting on paper.

But we have so many abilities. The thing they work so hard at doing is establishing our divisions, and really eliminating our cooperation with each other. Because no matter what enhanced technology can do to our senses and minds, perhaps as far into the impossible as the Montaulk Project suggests, where matter can be created out of nothing with minds hooked up to computers, etc etc, we do have the power to counter all their nefarious schemes. Ever heard of super cluster of old computers? We can cooperate.
We could rewrite the ending of this play like George Green in his Paradigm book speaks of. It seems to be some of the messages, some of the nordics have already given people. We need to pay attention to them.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
When we had the flyovers September to November, I was shown a picture of a nordic couple, male and female and it was the woman who communicated, telepthatically. Again it seemed like a voice, in the sense that you could feel her energy/personality.
[edit on 24-5-2009 by mystiq]

Ah yes, I have only been greeted once, and it is strange, it seems like your own voice, but is is to POWEFUL and such a STATEMENT it stands out from a thought.

But now that you tell me, possibly have received one visual greeting. I must work a little on that connection when I am out.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 11:22 AM
I call the strong visual picture of them, that kind of greeting, a postcard. Its something they send you.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by mystiq

Mystiq, I do not think you, or many of the people know the power of that last post you just made, and it most likely will just end up as a trailing on the end of the thread, lets hope that the right person finds it when they need to.

Is there a way you can in anonymous fashion on youtube share your information, if you do now want to come forward. Certain software for webcams like webcam max will hide your identity is that is an issue.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 11:38 AM
I'm not sure about the youtube idea, though that may be something for the near future. What I've thought of, that I think could really change the world, is based on both the western advertiser news paper in Penticton and ATS. I thought that locally, in regions (not just towns, as towns are in areas, and some towns are more conservative than others, so you need to think bigger, like how big local businesses think in their adverising, and do regions say 100 miles), and get a forum, kind of non-profit, like ATS, generated by local advertisements, not just big companies, think local musicians, artists, crafts people, can even get many ads, for lower prices, like a farmers market system, with ethical slant, power to the little people slant.

Then, have a wonderful conspiracy, survivalist, ufology, spiritual, meditation, health and diet, etc etc conspiracy forum, with local meet ups, events (non-profit means you can throw your surplus into cool things such as heritage seed banks and sharing survival items, because most people don't have the money, and plans for cob houses and suviving in a group, because this is better than mad max survivalists and INCLUDES EVERYONE, and infared equipment, telescopes. We can get teenagers into ufology watching.
We can get teenagers learning hands on how electricity works, how sciences can be generated in practical projects, building ham radios, radios, how quartz crystals can store data and energy, energy devices, etc etc. You know we want to keep the skills if a disaster happens so we stay modern!)

This could have fun informative nights of movies and shows like zietgeist both on the website and at local settings. It can encourage wake ups, and many opinons, but not force. Because its not as necessary that people 100% wake up to how rotten the system is, as to being able to picture vividly good changes they'd like to see. Cause thought creates!

So maybe the video in the end. I just don't know how to network and do this other thing, or get it off, when I know, deep my heart that if communities had groups doing this, the world would gradually change. Oh, and we can stream interviews. We could have our own local interviews of celebrities and guest speakers, our own Coast to Coast, our own video hosting. Every region needs this, with recommended links to other sites, like ATS.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 11:47 AM
SoulOrb, thanks for putting the effort into putting that together. I think people are quick to judge because all they see is clips and although yours is just a tiny dot, its well put together and what clearly shows as sincere intentions to me.

I have meditated and asked to see one before during the day and something buzzed over me. I should try it again but I figure these star-trek/astronaut scientist types have more important things to do then entertain my requests. lol..

but serious.. It would be great if you could get another vid and use a tripod, even the tiny pocket ones, just so we can see the movement of the ship.

EDIT: never mind, you posted what the camera was, looking into it.

Thanks for sharing the vid.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by CavemanDD]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by SoulOrb
People receive negative messages in society, like drinking beer, or if you want this change you must do this, seeing UFO's, no beer, whatever. That is human talk, not spirit walk.

Think back to that feeling you had just in that moment you wrote you had a few beer. That is the emotion some people need to eradicate, self judgement. It is a major step.

This is really important, but it may be more complicated some of the time.

In my case they've sometimes "nagged" me about some of my bad habits, but it took me a little while to understand that the negative energy coming along with those gentle pointers was entirely coming from me. A few millenia of redemptive monotheism has caused many of us to internalize God's command to be shameful for our sin, so that we castigate ourselves by default--which is of course insane on many levels.

When my guides discourage me from something (it's funny you mentioned porn a few pages back, SoulOrb) it's entirely to do with the mental consequences of being lazy with my vibrations.

You can do whatever you want. Beer is delicious. The trick is to be aware of how everything you think and do has an effect on the world. There's really no good or bad so long as you're trying your best to channel light and love. That's a pretty simple directive and it's easy to remember.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by Jac84]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
there was a largish orb there. People always wonder what they are.

The only time I specifically asked for orbs, instead I got a tractor trailer hauling Ritz crackers and Oreos...

They have never given me earth changing messages! Though in November it was more of a low key awakening that was required, in communities, grass roots, locally. Do things locally to wake people up. That seemed to be the gist of the message, because I was always asking how we could help the world in ways that were safe.

I think most of us do the very good suggestions you've been making, and a few lucky(?) ones get the actual explicit messages. Not everyone needs to be told directly. We have Alex Collier, Miriam Delicado, George Green et al. to tell us the really important things they want us to know. Those souls were specifically selected whether they like it or not to get the message to us, the ground crew, who then have to actually go out and talk to people and make a better world.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 12:20 PM
The more outgoing sometimes do get messages out, but the public in any area are rather traditional in how they interpret information as being credible. And many simply view conspiracies as delusional babble, and when they want the news, they turn on the TV or read the paper. They never consider that these sources could be misleading them, or that their elected representatives actually lie, and don't have their best interests at stake. They do feel they make mistakes, and that a few may be crooks, but don't understand the level of planning that goes into their actions.

The wake up I'm referring to has to be at grass roots level, with media. With the things they don't get exposed to, and the reason forums at this level would be interesting is that: 1) its easier to alert someone to local events through flyers, word of mouth, more inexpensive advertisement, even door to door, and get some people out to movie nights, or tuned in to a forum 2)when they see it in media they tend to give it more credence than turning on the computer 3) so far most of the survival stuff doesn't interest me or many, because we're not walking tool machines with money that can be sunk into food many months in advance. Most people are paying more than 1/3 of their income in rent, in fact in Canada, apartments are close to 1000 or more in rural areas now. Houses go for 1600 in Smithers BC, almost the same as downtown Vancouber. The Mason realtors have been following orders, yet giving excuses. But most people need to have local survival groups going, because their surivival will only be possible on a collective level. This give much room for information to get out. 4) people like to have a local voice, like to get their opinons published in the paper, though few get that given them due to editorial preferences, so local forums could catch on, in time 5) I'm really interested in getting groups locally to develop their psi potential, both through meditation and remote viewing, and in vectoring in ufos. I don't see any of these things locally, except perhaps in the largest cities.

Edit to add: 6) many people with ideas that come to them, are very very shy, and overwhelmed by the thought of anything local or public. And its often true that people who spend time researching or communicating on the computer, are more introspective by nature. So we're not always the ones waking up people locally. Miriam Delicado is known to me, I bought her book as she probably experienced on of the same groups that abducted me as a child. But I don't believe hardly anyone in Chillwack knows her name, or has been exposed to her mission. Waking up the community will take time and effort, it doesn't just happen. And the trouble is, its kind of in the wrong hands. My friends had to drag shy me out, kicking and screaming to numerous functions.

[edit on 24-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Jac84
Alex Collier, Miriam Delicado, George Green et al. to tell us the really important things

Alex Collier, he's my man.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:31 PM
I like everything you're saying, mystiq. It's too bad we're operating on opposite sides of the country.

My angle is that we need to start with the people closest to us, our friends and family, and not by giving them a deluge of truth but by somehow encouraging them to first see past the social conventions that tell them to dismiss certain ideas out of hand. Somehow we need to package this in a palatable form. A forum with meet-ups and movie night would be great, but so many people would reject it out of hand if they hear something that sets off one of their triggers and makes them defensive.

I would say the people conscious of this stuff need to network locally and begin to work towards collective support and spreading important information, while concurrently working the problem of getting our heart-breakingly closed minded loved ones to accept certain possibilities. It's easy for me to say that. I don't have any suggestions yet on how we might get that done. In little baby steps, I reckon. I guess the point is that if we build it, they will come, but not as quickly as if we force ourselves out of our own protective shells and try not to be so introspective, and talk to people.

Curious side note: When I was reading toward the end of Miriam Delicado's book, when I think she was talking about family, I was compelled to go to the window and my blinky friend slowly cruised past. There seemed to be a moment of mutual recognition, and then it was gone. I mean, it just wasn't there anymore. Pretty much the definition of uncanny.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:45 PM
One of the things that happens, its buried in memories during my abductions, in postcards, and I can simply never be sure if its a real thing or a carrot that they lure you with, but that they're family. That you are going home, either in or out of body, home! I have a memory of a forest setting, with a group of children with this couple that I've received the postcards from. One girl, who I've never met as an adult and for some reason feel I should, is tall slender, hispanic, or perhaps from the east, with dark skin, long black hair, and very intelligent, gentle and serious looking. I don't think I've met her. We were told that we came from the stars and would return there. Now this is one flash, but either there is a real family element involved or this is the program.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
either there is a real family element involved or this is the program.

Whenever I try to discern if I'm being toyed with by black ops or malevolent ETs, a couple things occur to me. One, it seems like they're going to ridiculous lengths to delude a relative handful of relatively harmless people. Another is that I can't wrap my head around what they would have to gain by spreading a message of love and individual power, and even explaining in some cases the exact mechanics of manifesting your will. It seems way counterproductive to any conceivable agenda, because the stuff works. If it's a lie that we're family but we're still able to band together to live in harmony and joy, I can accept that.

posted on May, 24 2009 @ 05:56 PM
Hello ATS and thank you soul for sharing your experience. I have been visiting ATS for a few years now and finally decided to join after reading this post.

I'm an avid amateur astronomer and the more I learn, the less likely it seems we are alone in the universe. I'll elaborate a little. It's been about 500yrs since we found out the world was not flat. About a 100 years ago we discovered there were other galaxies and about 10 years ago, planets orbiting other stars. The discovery of life on other worlds seems to be the next major leap in our understanding. To assume we know and understand all there is to know about this existence is very arrogant. One of the exo-planet hunters said he was embarrassed because we had assumed we knew all about planet formation and their characteristics based off what we see in just our solar system. Something to think about.

I spend many nights outside and have seen camera like flashes and moving star like points of light while observing. I'm by no means an expert but I have seen iridium flares and fireball meteors light up the sky/cast shadows. But these flashes I'm referring to occur in a light polluted area, not some dark country sky, and generally happens more than once on the nights it does occur. But who knows, it could be lightning with no thunder and satellites.

I have recently taken an interest in the "at one with the universe" and "ask them to come" concepts and found this post to be helpful. So thanks to you and the other open minded contributors! I will try to approach this with more of a it's ok to show yourself/can I see you? mindset.

I'm going to read/watch a few of the vids/authors suggested earlier in the thread. You mentioned the Pleadians? a few times. I was wondering if you(or other positive contributors) could provide a website or suggested reading on types of species/motives? I'm sure I could find all information I'm looking for on ATS, but probably only after reviewing pages nonsense.

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