OK what is this saying meant to mean? I am a gardener of sorts in that I sow and I reap, have done my whole existance, but still the meaning behind
this rediculous saying evades me!
You know what I think, TPTB came up with it to get some extra work hours out of you. Think about it how many mugs out there have actually gone to
work early JUST because of this saying! How do you interpret it?
In many areas where overnight rain or moisture are common earthworms tend to come to the surface in the early morning. These are usually eaten by
various species of birds. Hence the saying.
Dam... beaten to the punch by a crow....
oh well I guess I'm eaten krill instead....
To me it means that there are only so many worms(opportunities) available,and if you are self motivated and make an effort without hesitation,
distraction,and being self motivated blaze the trail,you will be rewarded.