posted on May, 22 2009 @ 05:56 AM
Why thank you! Why thank you? Yes, it's true, I'm verbose and overfond of my own wit and a general pain inne rear, but somewhat cuddly, after one
gets past the backspikes. Abrazos for all!
We had quite a party here... some of the
'guanas sure can
not hold their manchineel wine. (that's me in the middle -- the only one awake). Cold-blooded my butt!
A note on manchineel wine..... it's somewhat toxic to humans, and comes from a little fruit on the manchineel tree, whose sap raises blisters on
your frail, smooth, skin. Fortunately, we also have homemade naseberry wine, which in all modesty, I can tell you tastes like a fine chardonnay.
Of course, my darlin' says it tastes like socks. I can't imagine how she'd know that.
Much appreciated everybody! Glad to cohabitate my home away from home with youse mugs.
[edit on 22-5-2009 by argentus]