posted on May, 21 2009 @ 05:29 AM
Ha you're thinking of true communism, not the definition of communism most people on this site think.
It only works in theory because humans have some inherent desire to be above other and desire power, control over those under them. So they will just
find new ways to gain control (ie. own the farmland. Same idea as controlling cashflow, controlling the resources)
Even if we went back to trade system, which would be great I think, it would eventually get to a point where someone says 'hey, why dont we have a
set value for things with an agreed upon valued currency so that we dont have to lug around trade goods in order to obtain things' and then someone
makes coins for this process, and back where we started.
So to say money is good, in fact a great idea, but its just the whole private interests controlling it that does harm, plus the borrowed interest
system you use to print money, and the fact that currency can be devalued and fluctuated to suit needs that makes it a bad thing. Good idea, but
corruptible. In a utopia cash and credit are wonderful, but not here.