posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:47 PM
"The US Senate has overwhelmingly rejected plans to transfer detainees out of Guantanamo Bay, and refused funding to close down the prison camp.
Senators voted by 90-6 to block the transfer of 240 inmates, also stalling a request for $80m (£51m).
Correspondents say it is a rebuke to President Barack Obama's plans to close down the camp by January 2010.
Meanwhile, FBI Director Robert Mueller told Congress detainees could support terror in the US if allowed to go free.
"The concerns we have about individuals who may support terrorism being in the United States run from concerns about providing financing to
terrorists, [and] radicalising others," Mr Mueller told a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee.
Separately, a federal judge said the US can continue to hold some prisoners at Guantanamo indefinitely without any charges.. "