This year's season finale brought back one of the greatest skits the show has ever had. The celebrity jeopardy skit. Man, they brought back all the
classics in this skit. Norm MacDonald as Burt Reynolds, Sean Connery and Tom Hanks was new to it but he was hysterical!
I saw it and was hoping the real Burt Reynolds would show up. He was going to show up a while back, but then they fired Norm MacDonald.
I thought the Justin Timberlake show was very funny, and the Will Ferrel one was good in most spots. The only problem with the JT one was the unfunny
Seeing W and Cheney together again was also a hoot.
Sorry I missed that Chissler. Hopefully it will show up viral. What's funnier than "Anal Bum Covers"? You gotta love the way Ferrel stands there
and takes it.