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Swine Flu Hits Sick People the Hardest: CDC

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posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:38 AM

Swine Flu Hits Sick People the Hardest: CDC

In an early release of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, California health authorities assessed 30 people hospitalized for the H1N1 swine flu. One difference between these patients and patients with seasonal flu was their average age. At 27, the swine flu patients were much younger than most patients with seasonal flu who required hospitalization.

Health officials in both the United States and abroad have previously reported that the H1N1 swine flu seems to be targeting teens and young adults, unlike the regular f
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

Related Discussion Threads:
Over 100,000 Americans May Have Swine Flu: CDC
How Could an Event in 1997 Cause a Pandemic in 2009? What Happened?
Second wave of flu likely in two months
Swine flu set to spread, reported cases surge: WHO

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:38 AM
The headline says "Sick People Hit Hardest" but the article's text contradicts the claim:

* "At 27, the swine flu patients were much younger than most patients with seasonal flu who required hospitalization."

* "H1N1 swine flu seems to be targeting teens and young adults, unlike the regular flu, which usually strikes hardest at the elderly and the very young."

* "...the death rate from the new H1N1 virus is slightly higher than that seen with seasonal flu."

Cases confirmed by the World Health Organization jumped by 349 on Monday, 1001 on Tuesday and 413 on Wednesday. Of course, developed nations are only testing people sick enough to be hospitalized, and most developing nations don't have the capacity to test anyone. So the numbers are seriously skewed.

The WHO is boxed. The situation merits a Level 6 Pandemic Alert, but calling it would create economic, political and social havoc. Not to mention lethal food shortages.

So the disinformation continues to flow.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by soficrow

Are you sure that you posted the correct link ? Because when i pull up the link.....

The headline reads,

Older Adults May Have Some Immunity to Swine Flu

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 12:37 PM


Oh yeah - I posted the right link. From my file, the full article and link:
Swine Flu Hits Sick People the Hardest: CDC

In an early release of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, California health authorities assessed 30 people hospitalized for the H1N1 swine flu. One difference between these patients and patients with seasonal flu was their average age. At 27, the swine flu patients were much younger than most patients with seasonal flu who required hospitalization.

Health officials in both the United States and abroad have previously reported that the H1N1 swine flu seems to be targeting teens and young adults, unlike the regular flu, which usually strikes hardest at the elderly and the very young.

...In the United States, while most cases of swine flu continue to be no worse than seasonal flu, the death rate from the new H1N1 virus is slightly higher than that seen with seasonal flu, U.S. health officials said Monday.

"Our best estimate right now is that the fatality [rate] is likely a little bit higher than seasonal influenza, but not necessarily substantially higher," Schuchat said.

Schuchat added that the spread of the swine flu is far from over and could continue through the summer. "H1N1 is not going away, despite what you've heard," she said.

On Tuesday, the CDC was reporting 5,469 U.S. cases of swine flu in 48 states, and six deaths. Health officials said a Missouri man with swine flu had died, and testing was being done to see if the disease caused his death. Also, New York City health officials said they were investigating the death of a 16-month-old boy to determine if swine flu was the cause.

The NEW article at that address is quite different, isn't it?


posted on May, 21 2009 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by chise61

Also - while MSN removed their article after ATS brought the (erm) difficulties(?) to public attention, google lists many more reprints with the same header. Here's the first page:

Swine Flu Hits Sick People the Hardest: CDC on Yahoo! Health
HealthDay - WEDNESDAY, May 20 (HealthDay News) -- Underscoring the belief that the new H1N1 swine flu is no more dangerous than regular flu, ... - Similar pages
Swine Flu Hits Sick People the Hardest: CDC - Yahoo! News
WEDNESDAY, May 20 (HealthDay News) -- Underscoring the belief that the new H1N1 swine flu is no more dangerous than regular flu, US health officials said ... - 103k - Cached - Similar pages
HON - News : Swine Flu Hits Sick People the Hardest: CDC
19 May 2009 ... Swine Flu Hits Sick People the Hardest: CDC Meanwhile, vaccine won't be ready for months, World Health Organization says. By Steven Reinberg ... - Similar pages
Swine flu hits sick people the hardest: CDC - WAVE 3 TV Louisville ...
19 May 2009 ... News from Louisville, weather, sports, investigators, troubleshooter, Louisville jobs, Louisville cars and more. - Similar pages
Swine flu hits sick people the hardest: CDC - KLTV 7 News Tyler ...
19 May 2009 ... KLTV 7 News, Your East Texas News Leader, News, Weather, Sports, Community, Jobs, Cars and Much more. - Similar pages
Swine Flu Hits Sick People the Hardest: CDC
19 May 2009 ... Underscoring the belief that the new H1N1 swine flu is no more dangerous than regular flu, US health officials said Tuesday that those ... - Similar pages
Swine flu hits sick people the hardest: CDC - KTVN Channel 2 ...
19 May 2009 ... Swine flu hits sick people the hardest: CDC. © Lee. © Lee ... - Similar pages
Swine Flu Hits Sick People the Hardest: CDC - Atlanta Journal ...
20 May 2009 ... Swine Flu Hits Sick People the Hardest: CDC Atlanta Journal Constitution, USA WEDNESDAY, May 20 (HealthDay News) -- Underscoring the belief ... - Similar pages
Swine flu hits sick people the hardest: CDC
19 May 2009 ... WEDNESDAY, May 20 (HealthDay News) -- Underscoring the belief that the new H1N1 swine flu is no more dangerous than regular flu, ... - Similar pages

Yeah ATS! Yeah MSN. Some news sources are responsible. Some are not.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 12:51 PM
This is awesome, sofi!!

The circumstantial evidence indicates that indeed, ATS makes a difference!!!

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by soficrow

Thankfully you kept your own file

We seem to have been running into an awful lot of article changing with this swine flu thing

Like this one ...

If you read her first external quote and then use the link you'll see that they've removed that statement and replaced it to say that he had "several" underlying health conditions
and quite a few people have been complaining that they are changing the articles almost as soon as they refference them.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by soficrow

Sofi- in response to this post (awesome!) and to your comments about a change in global health over the past 8-10 years, here's a link to Chan's speech after the close of the WHO summit.

In it she mentions that the strain has been circulating for yearsin animal and human vectors, and will continue to mutate. As well, CIDRAP expects the recurrence in the fall to be as high as 33% in the second wave, as opposed to closer to 15% in 1918:

Sorry I'm too tired to pull out the parts to which I'm referring, but neither link is more than a page of text. I'll pull more info out over the weekend.

Be well and thank you for your information and dilligence- stars and health

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by soficrow

The reported deaths in the US alone from this vary every 10 minutes, and by which source you pull.

I've found some of the best "truths" by reading the local resports-county by county- at least in the US.

Some- like certain Wisconsin counties- are reporting real numbers (UW is not wasting any time getting confirmation).

Some- like Houston school districsts, are closing schools AGAINST the will of parents who know there are sick kids, but want their 4th graders to have a final year-end field trip! Thos districts-ironically- are changing their numbers daily.

We are in double-digit deaths here in the states and not even CNN is reporting it. Doctors are being told NOT to test for H1N1- what the he@@ is going on? Something this large can hide in plain sight only so long before even the idiots catch on.

ATS DOES make a difference- and thank you so very much!!!!!

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by CultureD

GREAT links. Thank you!

...I'll be using quotes from those articles - need them for a project. Awesome CultureD.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 12:25 AM
I'm really happy to find this thread here.
I myself have been pondering the fact that any where in the media I have seen a report of a death, it is always swine flu "related" as in it's always reported that the victim had underlying health problems.
This has led me to research on this anomaly,which I am still doing.

My thinking being , that with all the talk of depopulation, and the plan seemingly to have existed from well before these times;
wouldn't it make sense that TPTB would target the sick and elderly first in the " first world" rather than the fit work force?
If they sat down to discuss a road to selective depopulation,it seems very feasible to me that they might follow a plan whereby illness is created through food additives,poor eating/exercise habits,etc (as has been accomplished) and then a virus is created which targets these people.
Just in case it misses any one by chance, impose mandatory vaccination to make sure every one gets a dose to trigger it off.
If you are healthy,great , you get slightly ill temporarily, not enough to incapacite you and by being fit conscious etc , you are the preferred type to be kept on once the depopulation goal has been achieved.

This interesting paragraph from Vaccination -the hidden facts by Ian Sinclair
really sharpened my focus when I read it

"These microorganisms (germs) feed upon the poisonous material which they find in the sick organism and prepare it for excretion. These tiny organisms are derived from still tinier organisms called microzyma. These microzyma are present in the tissues and blood of all living organisms where they remain normally quiescent and harmless. When the welfare of the human body is threatened by the presence of potentially harmful material, a transmutation takes place. The microzyma changes into a bacterium or virus which immediately goes to work to rid the body of this harmful material. When the bacteria or viruses have completed their task of consuming the harmful material they automatically revert to the microzyma stage".--Bechamp.

Does this explain in part why only previously unhealthy people are succumbing to swine flu ?
And wouldn't that explain also why it doesn't seem to affect infants; they have not been around in our toxic lifestyle long enough to have damaged any part of their physical structure yet through eating modified/processed food etc yet?
and how about some of the stats about flu vaccines ?
flu truth


If a child develops measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, mumps, rubella or any of the other common childhood infections, it is not because of germs, but because of the accumulated toxic waste within its body, a condition known as Toxaemia. It therefore stands to reason that the prevention of childhood infection is only possible by preventing the development of toxaemia, or in other words, by preserving or restoring the PHYSIOLOGICAL HEALTH of the body.

he goes on to say:

On a physical level, this is what true health is all about, and when a child's body is in this condition, then no matter how many germs it is exposed to, it cannot and will not get sick! The reason being is that the child's body does not carry the accumulated toxic wastes that would allow the germs to thrive and flourish, and out of which infection arises. Not only will the child be immune to all infections, but when the child's body is in this condition, it will experience maximum vitality which is essential if the child is ever to fulfil its true potential.

At the end of the day, if you're an illuminati selectively creating the base population of the future, it's the young and the fit that you'd want left over.
good thread,good links here maybe for your project research;


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