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AIDS Cure Conspiracy?

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posted on Feb, 7 2003 @ 07:55 AM
About ten years ago I was invited to the home of Dr. Lorraine Day, in Rancho Mirage California. She is the former head of surgery at a San Francisco hospital. She was profiled on 60 Minutes because she insisted on wearing a chemical suit whilst performing operations. She claimed to have first hand knowledge that pure oxygen is proven to be 100% effective in curing AIDS. She further stated that a world wide conspiracy was actively suppressing that information and promoting non-effective drugs like AZT. She claimed that this was meant to rid the planet of unwanted types like homosexuals and IV drug users.

Her and her husband then went on to share that they felt was extremely important information about other Government plans to imprison many thousands of unacceptable people at un-used military bases.

They also spoke about satellite surveillance and the use of thermal-imaging technology on the public. They claimed that California freeway systems have been implanted with sensors to read coding on licence plate tags, which would give government agencies the ability to track a person�s movements anywhere in the state.

I could see that they both completely believed in what they were saying and noticed that the more they talked, the more agitated they were becoming and sought to convey a sense of urgency to us that a one world government plot was actively pursuing it�s goal of world domination.

I haven�t thought about that night for over 10 years, but thought it might provide some interesting debate here at ATS.

Any comments or thoughts regarding this possible conspiracy?

Here�s her links �

Food for Thought,

[Edited on 7-2-2003 by deepwaters]

posted on Feb, 7 2003 @ 09:05 PM
I cant comment on the plans to imprison large numbers of people, although I cant say that its impossible. Given our current situation, it is entirely likely that I may one day meet many of you that I am corresponding with in person, in prison, as we are all deemed undesirable because we ask too many questions.

As far as the surveillance systems, that is an absolute true assertion. Such systems are now up and running across the country. The CIA has publicly admitted using such a system in Washington DC since 1972, and has tracked each and every vehical entering and leaving DC since then.

I also firmly believe that HIV was an engineered virus specifically released on the population. From research I have done, in 1969, USAMRID was granted $10M to create a fatal virus that breaks down the immune system. Consider the following:

1. According to the accepted story, HIV is a mutation of a monkey borne virus, and originated in Africa. However, the first reports of the disease came as early as 1976 in the gay/lesbian communities in San Francisco.

2. The above noted reports started after a public trial for an experimental hepatitus vaccine that specifically sought out promiscuous gay males in 1971.

3. In 1974, the World Health Organization launched a very widespread vaccine campaign throughout Africa for various diseases. By the mid 80s, HIV and AIDS were epidemic throughout the area covered by the WHO.

4. Numerous pathologists have been quoted as expressing interest in the HIV virus because it has hallmarks of a genetically engineered virus. None of these pathologists have ever been on the government panel for AIDS research, and most of them have since had any government grant suspended or cut.

5. Ever look back and notice that Polio was totally cured, and a very reliable vaccine exists. Today, no vaccine exists for HIV, although they market numerous drugs that will keep you alive (for a while) if you keep taking them, at enormous expense?

Of course, if they cured you, you only have to go to them once, and then go away.... but if they keep you lingering, you have to keep coming back, with your check book.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 05:04 PM
How do you no dat she has a cure its just a theory. How do you know that it is just a big hoax to get money

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by deepwaters
Ok, first off the whole "no cure for AIDS" speech is completely and utterly FALSE there is a cure for aids and you can bet its the most common vaccin used in todays medicine BUT of course the government isnt going to divulge that information . . Why? because they make billions and billions a year selling this worthless stuff to suffering people and why would they give cures when theres money to be exploited from it just like chicken pocs fatal disease that is cured by simply staying warm and drinking warm liquids much like the cold or flu. So the next time someone says Aids is uncureable you can tell them that they are wrong!

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 03:34 PM
why do you think people like magic johnson could afford the medicine and the poor and the middle class would have to max out their credit cards (the poor wouldnt have credit cards to begin with). it just doesnt make any sense AIDS cant just come about it was man-made i dont have any proof but the planet wasnt created with diseases. why do you think they said AIDS started in Africa? because most people would said who cares theyre poor no one cares about them? and how in the world would from there to the United States doesnt make any sense

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 04:19 PM
While I agree with Anonymous that there is already a cure . . . possibly multiple out there already. Also with the two above assertions that the government has exploited the virus for various means . . . I have to disagree with dragonrider on the origin of the virus.

Geneticists have found, through mutation, that the age of orgin in human population started with a "unusual" case in the late 50's with the contractor dying about in 1960. Further, new, evidence has shown that the chimp/human hybrid virus was around in chimps for possibly centuries in the Sub-Sahara. It was passed to humans through the blood of slaughtered chimps (open sores or eating with bloody hands?). It moved into the human population as those primative cultures started to form actual cities (turn of the 20th century) and, as a result, intermarriage and prostitution became the norm (just like every city through the ages). The "explosion" was the direct result of westerners visiting the "Dark Continent" and Africans moving to lands of opportunity (US, ENG) . . . however, they brought the dormant disease with them.

Can't buy into the conspiracy on this one, when the genetic evolution of the virus doesn't support a "mystery" virus that just "sprang" up in the 70's.

I first read the latest findings through a article associated with Princeton U., but this is all that came up with through google . . . so enjoy!

New evidence at origins of AIDS virus

[edit on 3-10-2008 by solomons path]

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 04:29 PM
i've always thought this story made the most sense...

the Strecker Memorandum has a fascinating explanation for AIDS!

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

You are right. There is a cure. I've been trying to "inadvertently", 'mostly a small fear of getting killed' tell people through conversation what I have learned from word of mouth, but my source is very accredited. An old friend of mine (whom we were both friends with an HIV patient) told me of a guy she used to talk to. He was a Vietnam Veteran and told her that the virus IS engineered in the lab by the U.S. Government. Well anyway, while in Vietnam they would have sex with beautiful Asian prostitutes to take away their boredom. Knowing what they knew, if they ever suspected that they had contracted the virus, they would drink Aloe Vera juice in gallons of water (diluted, of course, later explanation) for 3 months, which he claims with great conviction is the cure. Now with that information, I can vouch because my mother is a Holistic Health & Wellness major working on her masters and she has taught her daughter the miracle effects that simple plants from Mother Earth can have on our optimum health. I was surprised that my friend knew of Aloe Vera, after being taunted half my life for being a "tofu eater" "health-nut" lol. If you look up the benefits of this plant, it is more than a regenerative of the body (we used to use it to heal wounds, it does great, FAST) it is also a natural purgative, body alkalinizer, and anti-cancer supplement, which also cleans out the GUT of yearly accumulations of toxins and #. *Aloe is Very powerful, you can't overdose, but you will have severe diarrhea. Another post (I think another topic related to AIDS) talked about how this disease effects the stomach. Something about Godzilla technology or something. My whole opinion is that it is an engineered "cancer parasite" in which all the symptoms, Kaposi's sarcoma, Herpes Zoster ,Thrush, can be cured through a healthy diet.

The Secret is out!!!! What a relief! (Please don't kill me)

I Hope this helps any inquirers in need. Peace

[edit on 23-5-2010 by TopSecretAnonymoebe]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 04:40 PM
I think there are a lot of diseases like aids, cancer etc that have known cures. Look up the one minute cure for virtually all diseases. It says lots of diseases can be cured by oxygen.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 09:16 AM
I don't think that I understand the OP's line of thinking here... Could you reiterate it?

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by deepwaters

Ok I know as usual I am going to get destroyed for suggesting there is not conspiracy here but I am ok with it. The idea that patients being put on 100% O2 as a cure for AIDS/HIV is fantastic, it would be great if we could do it but the sad truth is that it doesn’t work, I can’t see any way in which it could work for that matter. Sorry if i have misunderstood you however that just wouldn’t work.

I know that as things stand the only “cure” for HIV is post-exposure prophylaxis drugs however this treatment is only effective if treatment begins in 72 hours and it is not a 100% guarantee that it will work. Aside form that I know that recently there have been some interesting breakthroughs in the quest for a vaccine and there are a number of interesting vaccine studies in the pipeline. However it is hard to say if they will come to anything. One thing worth noting when talking about HIV vaccines is that any company that does successfully produce a vaccine will make astronomical sums of money. They will have produced a product that literally ever human on earth will have to buy in some form. If the vaccine also requires that boosters are given then they could double or even triple that money.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by deepwaters
Ok, first off the whole "no cure for AIDS" speech is completely and utterly FALSE there is a cure for aids and you can bet its the most common vaccin used in todays medicine BUT of course the government isnt going to divulge that information . . Why? because they make billions and billions a year selling this worthless stuff to suffering people and why would they give cures when theres money to be exploited from it just like chicken pocs fatal disease that is cured by simply staying warm and drinking warm liquids much like the cold or flu. So the next time someone says Aids is uncureable you can tell them that they are wrong!

This might work if there was just one large company that researched and made drugs.

I would think that there would be at least one company that would release a cure, if there were one, just to turn a huge profit.

Everyone who had AIDS would go out and buy the only cure around. They'd make a huge amount of money and screw their competition.

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