Hello I just joined today.Just saying hi.I am interested in alot of strange things, I have an open mind,but not blown open.and I have lurked here off
and on for quite awhile. Got sick of posting as "guest" and unable to find the threads I responded to.(lulz)Found some very fascinating threads
here.Some that verify or echo my own experinces. So,ummm Hi! (wave,wave)
There are some good threads here. Found most good info I've seen both here and on youtube.
I'm trying to make 200 posts so I can use the chat next. Maybe I'll have it in 100 years.
Hi there!!! ME TOO! Long time lurker---first time to reply. Joined to add my two cents to some great posts. Haven't yet because one I start---look
out!!!! haha ----------Bless you all and keep up the good work (somebodys gotta do it)