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Will H1N1 keep you from attending large sporting events & concerts?

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posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:19 PM
I was planning on attending the Indy 500 this weekend. Generating crowds exceeding 400k, this is the worlds largest one day sporting event according to and many other news outlets although the actual attendance numbers are a well guarded secret.

I am now having second thoughts due to the increased numbers of H1N1. Indiana itself has had an explosion of confirmed cases. Ten new confirmed cases today bring the total to 96 statewide. The Indy 500 brings fans into the city from across the globe.

Many of us ATSers believe there is an intentional media blackout with unknown motives. See H1N1 Update Thread.

My question posed to all of you, will you be curtailing your own attendance to major sporting events and concerts this summer and fall?

Although the race is blacked out within a fifty mile radius, I could just sit in my backyard, enjoy the sunshine and the sound of an apparent hornets nest as the cars pass through turns three and four.

Sources: - Indy500
10 New Swine Flu Cases in Indiana

[edit on 5/19/2009 by Whisper67]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Whisper67
I was planning on attending the Indy 500 this weekend. The worlds largest one day sporting event generating crowds exceeding 400k, according to and many other news outlets although, the actual attendance numbers are a well guarded secret.

I am now having second thoughts due to the increased numbers of H1N1. Indiana itself has had an explosion of confirmed cases. Ten new confirmed cases today bring the total to 96 statewide. The Indy 500 brings fans into the city from across the globe.

Many of us ATSers believe there is an intentional media blackout with unknown motives. See H1N1 Update Thread.

My question posed to all of you, will you be curtailing your own attendance to major sporting events and concerts this summer and fall?

Although the race is blacked out within a fifty mile radius, I could just sit in my backyard, enjoy the sunshine and the sound of an apparent hornets nest as the cars pass through turns three and four.

Sources: - Indy500
10 New Swine Flu Cases in Indiana

[edit on 5/19/2009 by Whisper67]

[edit on 5/19/2009 by Whisper67]

Are you joking? You realize that the more people will likely die from every other cause than swineflu will kill.

The seasonal flu, which has a MUCH higher death toll EVERY YEAR has never stopped you from attending in the past. So why let this one stop you?

Oh ya because your a victim of MSM and ATS fear mongering.

[edit on 19-5-2009 by king9072]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:27 PM
Good thread; good questions, and things we need to think about.

It won't make a difference for me in that sense, since we HAVE no sporting events or concerts. However, we go to the U.S. about once every four or five years, and always that involves a concert, usually at Tampa Fairgrounds.

The thing about this flu....... thus far, it's not really more of a killer than regular flu, although it does seem to "target" a different demographic. Even the pandemic of 1918 which is often referenced when talking about H1N1......... it seems to me that it wasn't so much that it was a killer flu, but that it was REALLY communicable. I believe I read that the 1918 flu killed about 3% of the people that got it........ which is pretty much in line with the regular seasonal flu. What made it a killer was that apparently everyone got it, and thus the millions that died from it. These days, given the same mortality and assuming that H1N1 travelled the globe, we could expect upward of 10,000,000 lost. THAT's why I think that quarrantine and other protective measure matter, and why I think that people calling it a "false scare" or fearmongering are a bit off the mark. It's the communicability that matters. God forbid something with a high mortality rate gets set loose, like E.Z or M. I don't even want to spell them out.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by king9072

Interesting to me that you and I were typing up our opinions at the same time.......... and look how diverse they are. I think at the least we can agree that people have a valid reason for asking these questions and seeking opinions, given that the MSM isn't exactly being forthcoming with all the statistics, are they?

Or put another way, since when do we believe the MSM, and if we don't, can we consider the numbers they put forth to be accurate?

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by king9072
Oh ya because your a victim of MSM and ATS fear mongering.

Fear mongering? I find the nationwide MSM and the local MSM is totally mum on the subject which actually does, for me, increase the fear factor a tad. If there's nothing to fear, why not discuss it intellectually and with facts?

Locally, two days ago buried within other news, they mentioned the death in NYC but did not update our local numbers. I can't recall a time in the last two weeks they did indeed update our local numbers. Ever since the push to call it H1N1 and Bidens faux pas, I've noticed a significant decrease in any media discussion on the subject.

I am not into fear mongering but, I do have a family and do believe in being educated, informed, and cautious. Especially at a sporting event like the Indy 500 - there's a lot of sweat and other unmentionable bodily fluids that I think would be a breeding ground for any communicative disease.

My greatest concern for H1N1 is that it will mutate, this is a virus the human race has never seen before. If the WHO raises the level to 6, this is something we've never seen in our lifetimes. Alarmist? Fearmongering? Sensible?

[edit on 5/19/2009 by Whisper67]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:44 PM
The only thing that is keeping me from attending some large events is lack of funds. I wanted to attend Memphis in May this year but the weather wouldn't allow it! Had the weather been nicer, without a doubt I would have went to the BBQ festival eating the best BBQ in the world!

This whole swine flu thing hasn't really bothered me that much. I really don't understand the whole panic when around 30,000 people die every year from the regular flu. I understand the "unkwown" factors and the potential this had, but this just didn't scare me. Maybe I have been desensitized reading all the doom and gloom on these forums. It's like somebody pointing a gun at you and threatening to shoot you. Either shoot me or get that gun out of my face!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:45 PM
I hope nothing is rampant in the UK when U2 come to play in August , I have 2 tickets to go and bought 3 extra to sell on ! My favourite band in the world....

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:47 PM
Also to add, you'll probably have a lot better chance of dying in a car accident on the way to or from the Daytona 500 with all the drinking and driving that will be going on. I used to live in B'ham, AL and when they would have the races at Talladega twice a year, you better be on your toes when driving!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 04:16 PM
Yes, this new flu has changed my life considerably.

I Stopped going out to eat. I don't go shopping except for necessities and if it were up to me I would not leave my home or let anyone in.

The worst thing I've changed is that I don't kiss and hug my sweet grandchildren anymore. I treat them like vampires out to infect me.

No, I will not attend any sporting event or any event with large groups of people. And that is pathetic.

Am I an alarmist or overreacting? I have no idea as I am very confused.

What makes it worse is that my close friends and family are not concerned at all.

I don't know anything to do now but call in some favors and get some honest answers from people that are in the loop.

It's about to drive me nuts.

[edit on 19-5-2009 by dizziedame]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 04:24 PM
Daily updates on stats can be found on the CDC's website. As of today, there are 5469 cases confirmed in the US with 6 deaths.

H1N1 Flu Upate!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by dizziedame
I don't know anything to do now but call in some favors and get some honest answers from people that are in the loop.

I sincerely do hope that if you do call in these favors, you'll inform the rest of us in the H1N1 update thread! Thanks in advance!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 04:55 PM
I wouldn't have a problem going to sports events or concerts around here, not small club ones tho just the ones at the open concert hall near me.

Both those places are open and I don't really see a problem with them.

The places I would worry about are the ones with poor ventilation like buses, trains, doctors offices, community centers, schools and so on.

I'm pretty sick right now with an illness and just had a huge course of antibiotics and surgery and more surgery to come so my doctor has told me to just stay home till he tells me other wise.

But once I'm healthy there's no way in hell I'm going to stay locked in my house worried about the swine flu, I wont be stupid about it but I wont let it keep me from living my life either.

People just need to remember to use logic and reason, and not turn into raging paranoid hypochondriacs.

Like when someone hears the symptoms of something, then all a sudden they think they have it, rush to the ER, sit in a room with people who are really sick (make the wait for the truly sick longer and take up time and money and being a big inconvenience and annoyance sorry but it's true) so they get called back find out nothing is wrong then go home and end up getting really sick from being exposed to the sick people.

Just keep your emotions in balance don't ignore it but don't let it rule you either you, stay safe and smart.
Get the facts for yourself, don't depend on message boards, or just one source of anything, use many then come to your own conclusions.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Whisper67

Originally posted by king9072
Oh ya because your a victim of MSM and ATS fear mongering.

Fear mongering? I find the nationwide MSM and the local MSM is totally mum on the subject which actually does, for me, increase the fear factor a tad. If there's nothing to fear, why not discuss it intellectually and with facts?

Locally, two days ago buried within other news, they mentioned the death in NYC but did not update our local numbers. I can't recall a time in the last two weeks they did indeed update our local numbers. Ever since the push to call it H1N1 and Bidens faux pas, I've noticed a significant decrease in any media discussion on the subject.

I am not into fear mongering but, I do have a family and do believe in being educated, informed, and cautious. Especially at a sporting event like the Indy 500 - there's a lot of sweat and other unmentionable bodily fluids that I think would be a breeding ground for any communicative disease.

My greatest concern for H1N1 is that it will mutate, this is a virus the human race has never seen before. If the WHO raises the level to 6, this is something we've never seen in our lifetimes. Alarmist? Fearmongering? Sensible?

dit on 5/19/2009 by Whisper67]

No they quit reporting it cause the entire thing was extremely overblown to begin with. That or the fact that its a man made disease that was released.

Remember the anthrax cases what a big scare that was? Then we found out it was military anthrax and poof gone from the media.

The common flu kills exponentially larger amounts of people, yet prior to Swine Flu, I had never even seen a thread about the flu. WHY NOT?


It's as simple as that, and the most ironic, and personally funniest part of the entire thing is IGNORANCE DENIERS bit the bait so hard and ran with it. It's pathetic.

Get a life, and your swine flu worries will dissipate.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 09:58 AM
Whisper, I think what people don't realize is that unless you live in Indy during the month of May (like you and I), is that they have no idea what a madhouse it is , with people from all over the world in town and crowds wherever you go. The restaurants are packed, the traffic is bad, and the whole city in general is crazy!

So that would make it the perfect, drunken, mess of a breeding ground for an illness to spread even worse. The race is a blast but I would say just be careful about keeping hands clean and watch what you touch in the restrooms! I've been many times, so I won't be going to the 500 any time soon.



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