posted on May, 19 2009 @ 01:14 PM
I've been apart of this site for awhile, first just viewing, and then finally posting. Though, I'm at another site I've been with for the last four
years. It's a large group of people, but few ever leave, so we all know one another.
Yesterday, I got into a debate with two of them on conspiracy theories. I created a thread at that site in which it houses news and discussion on
UFOs, aliens, creatures, conspiracies, etc.
The debate was that many of the conspiracies that we discuss and watch should not be theories since many of them have limited knowledge.
I countered that point, stating that then, many theories in the world would have to disappear, seeing little to no evidence is available.
But, seeing I'm on a site that, like me, are conspiracy buffs, what gives a conspiracy theory the right to be a theory.
Are ideas able to just come, or must there be a limited amount of evidence to sustain it, to allow it to breathe?