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WHO Says Swine Flu (H1N1 Novel) Is not result of Lab accident

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posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:32 AM

The swine flu virus did not result from a laboratory accident, the World Health Organization said Thursday, working to debunk rumors started by an Australian virologist and circulated by news outlets all over the world.

Ok so now they are stating publicly that this mutated virus is naturally occurring? Is this just a way to try and save face or is it true? I've only seen one article on it so far, so if anyone has insight

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by vkey08

The swine flu virus did not result from a laboratory accident, the World Health Organization said Thursday, working to debunk rumors started by an Australian virologist and circulated by news outlets all over the world.

Ok so now they are stating publicly that this mutated virus is naturally occurring? Is this just a way to try and save face or is it true? I've only seen one article on it so far, so if anyone has insight

I don't expect mass media networks to tell the truth. What I do expect and am rewarded for is, cover-ups, misinformation, blatant lies and brilliant works of imagination.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by vkey08

of course it's true!

That's basically how virus work, they combine and mutate all the time -


yes, most of them do, thats how it works. Two get mixed up together and form something which works -i.e. they are a viable pathogen, this then infects whoever it's able to... The new bug becomes common, among it's trillions of variants one mixes with say swine flu thus creating a new and novel virus which then restarts the cycle.

The most important thing to remember when trying to think about all this is that

While viruses with this genetic makeup had not previously been found to be circulating in humans or pigs, there is no formal national surveillance system to determine what viruses are circulating in pigs in the U.S.

We only notice something when it get's dangerous - that's why they were scared of this, a new unknown about virus pops up on the radar, it's their job to scramble the preverbial jets to intercept it.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by NatureBoy

this is the biggest load of BS i ever read . virus mutation is not so drastic and such changes if naturally occuring would take thousands of years . clearly ,its a case DNA recombination and genetic engineering

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Kombatt98


i'm lost for words, actually lost for words.


you speak as if you know how virus work, yet your words don't seem to portray that...

they combined, the virus and the other type of virus - that's what happens, all the time.

????? You never heard of that ??????

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by NatureBoy

I will be the first person to admit i haven't a clue as to how a virus actually works or combines with another to form new strains, wasn't my strong point in school.

I've seen a lot written about how this was a genetically enhanced strain, but almost nothing about the fact that it could very well be naturally occurring, which is why i asked
So thank you for your answer.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by NatureBoy

okay , sheepleboy , virus DNA does not gene splice itself naturally , this is only possible in a lab

A virus mutates in nature. It doesn’t splice DNA with Swine, Avian Bird, and the 1918 Spanish Flu virus from North America, Europe, and Asia. That happens in the laboratory.

you speak as if you know how virus work, yet your words don't seem to portray that... they combined, the virus and the other type of virus - that's what happens, all the time.

virus are asexual in nature , they do not mate . they mutate , but do not drastically alter their gene composition in such short period

But, is it possible someone would prefer that the response from WHO and other health agencies weren’t successful? The highly unusual and unique makeup of the virus is leaving many to speculate that swine flu was deliberately created in a lab, possibly as a biological weapon

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:55 AM
A virus mutates in nature. It doesn’t splice DNA with Swine, Avian Bird, and the 1918 Spanish Flu virus from North America, Europe, and Asia. That happens in the laboratory.

If it were a naturally occuring phenomena wouldn't it stand to reason that something like it would have been discovered and reported on at some time before now? Since this particular strain has been publicly reported to be a "never before seen" strain, I have my doubts about the naturally occuring stance taken here.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Hazelnut
A virus mutates in nature. It doesn’t splice DNA with Swine, Avian Bird, and the 1918 Spanish Flu virus from North America, Europe, and Asia. That happens in the laboratory.

If it were a naturally occuring phenomena wouldn't it stand to reason that something like it would have been discovered and reported on at some time before now? Since this particular strain has been publicly reported to be a "never before seen" strain, I have my doubts about the naturally occuring stance taken here.

Since this particular strain has been publicly reported to be a "never before seen" strain, I have my doubts about the naturally occuring stance taken here.

even Russia today and , had a related analysis on it . particularly , the interfax interviewed a russian micrologist , who stated that this virus was genetically engineered, though its not designed to be virulent like some of the russian bioweapon designs are . he believed that a major pharma lab accident could be cause of this

[edit on 18-5-2009 by Kombatt98]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Kombatt98

meh i'm not a sheepleboy i'm a demon/lizard/alien hybrid disinfo agent - didn't you hear?

that aside, lets talk biology.....

what IS a virus i wonder?

Viruses are packages of hereditary material, DNA or RNA. They can get into the cells and take over the command over the cells activities and make it produce new copies of viruses. This commonly kills the infected cells. Dangerous viruses have a great ability to penetrate into cells and to spread and multiply so that extensive damage is caused. While many viruses are species-specific, some viruses may cross species borders.

Hmmmm..... They're a strip of DNA or RNA hu? that breaks into a cell and takes over turning it into a virus factory hu? hmmmm.......

So if say it was to copy a chunk of it's DNA onto a chunk of DNA infected with say another Virus DNA then it might maybe mess up and accidentally make half of one and half of the other?

So you could get a cell producing a split of two types, a new novel strain - of course most the time it's just a dead string of proteins but sometimes it's a new effective virus which then spreads and develops a colony -this then spores new colonies and before you know it you have a pandemic on your hands.

You my friend are most likely thinking of bacteria, which are much larger than virus and replicate using mitosis.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by NatureBoy

meh i'm not a sheepleboy i'm a demon/lizard/alien hybrid disinfo agent - didn't you hear?

ah , sheepleboy spouts BS again there is a NWO type group , that manipulates internal machinations of several nations , but none of that reptilian/alien BS

read something in relation to swine flu :

According to two mainstream media journalists, one in Mexico City and the other in Jakarta, who spoke to WMR on background, they are convinced that the current outbreak of a new strain of swine flu in Mexico and some parts of the United States is the result of the introduction of a human-engineered pathogen that could result in a widespread global pandemic, with potentially catastrophic consequences for domestic and international travel and commerce.

The journalists have been told by top officials of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) about the grave dangers posed by the new and deadly swine flu strain, known as A-H1N1. This flu, never before seen by scientists, has already killed up to 68 people in Mexico and has forced the cancellation of public events, including sports matches and concerts, and the closure of schools, libraries, and museums. Eight cases have been reported in Texas and California. Doctors are examining several students at a Queens high school in New York who displayed symptoms similar to those experienced by swine flu patients in Mexico.

Our Mexico City source said a top scientist for the United Nations, who has examined the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, as well as HIV/AIDS victims, concluded that H1N1 possesses certain transmission “vectors” that suggest that the new flu strain has been genetically-manufactured as a military biological warfare weapon. The UN expert believes that Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and the current A-H1N1 swine flu virus are biological warfare agents.

Past swine flu outbreaks have been spread from pigs to humans, who then passed the flu on to other humans. However, with A-H1N1, there have been no reported infections of pigs. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), A-H1N1 has gene segments from North American swine, bird and human flu strains and a segment from Eurasian swine flu. Costa Rica, Brazil, and Peru have issued alerts to check all incoming passengers from Mexico at border crossings, airports, and seaports for symptoms of the swine flu.

WHO is convening an emergency session of its top medical experts in Geneva and is set to declare H1N1 a “public health event of international concern.” It is reported that WHO will recommend travel restrictions to and from areas where the flu has been reported, including Mexico City and the states of Mexico, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí and Oaxaca.

Our Jakarta source said WHO officials are afraid that the presence of gene segments from dreaded H5N1 bird flu in the A-H1N1 swine flu strain could mean that the new swine flu strain was engineered to “jump species.”

The drugs Tamiflu and Relenza are seen as the most effective against A-H1N1.\

the companies that produce tamiflu , had forecasted a sales of 500% for 2009 , in 2008 , are you aware of that
clearly, nothing but a creation of big pharma to make more profit

[edit on 18-5-2009 by Kombatt98]

[edit on 18-5-2009 by Kombatt98]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 12:35 PM
read the article writer credentials :

Madsen was a Senior Fellow of the Electronic Privacy Information Center.[1] He was an intelligence officer in the US Navy[2] and a communications security analyst with the National Security Agency[3]

Madsen edits the Wayne Madsen Report, which he describes as following in the tradition of Drew Pearson's and Jack Anderson's famous "Washington Merry-Go-Round" syndicated column and columns by I.F. Stone. Among others, his columns have appeared in The Miami Herald, Houston Chronicle, Philadelphia Inquirer, Columbus Dispatch, Sacramento Bee, and Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

he's former NSA official , and an intelligence officer in the US navy .

so sheepleboy , who would i believe you ? a sheeple who swallows MSM nonsense , or a former NSA official whos also an investigative journalist

[edit on 18-5-2009 by Kombatt98]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Kombatt98

this is just silly, i'm not going to debate further - you spouted some nonsense about how virus work with which was completely wrong, i show you the truth but no you totally ignore it -it's as if you couldn't see it. Now you come back with this?

You clearly don't have an indepth comprehension of biology certainly not pathogenic biology - maybe you shouldn't go around acting like you know all the answers?

Ok, basically the whole 'is it man made' comes down to the simple (and i've heard alex jones repeat this every 2min) 'but no pigs have been found with it.....' of course they fail to mention that no one is looking for viral infections in swine herds (certainly not in the poor regions of mexico, or amid wild swine population (not just escaped pigs also animals who have a biological compatibility to the same pathogenic compounds))

We only really notice these things when they effect us, in fact most of the time we don't even notice in human populations - some people get sick, sleep it off then move on - never once seeing a doctor, if they do see a doctor the doc says 'sure its a flu, sleep it off'

then someone sees a new strain and starts looking for it, suddenly it seems to be all over the place.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by NatureBoy
reply to post by Kombatt98

this is just silly, i'm not going to debate further - you spouted some nonsense about how virus work with which was completely wrong, i show you the truth but no you totally ignore it -it's as if you couldn't see it. Now you come back with this?

You clearly don't have an indepth comprehension of biology certainly not pathogenic biology - maybe you shouldn't go around acting like you know all the answers?

Ok, basically the whole 'is it man made' comes down to the simple (and i've heard alex jones repeat this every 2min) 'but no pigs have been found with it.....' of course they fail to mention that no one is looking for viral infections in swine herds (certainly not in the poor regions of mexico, or amid wild swine population (not just escaped pigs also animals who have a biological compatibility to the same pathogenic compounds))

We only really notice these things when they effect us, in fact most of the time we don't even notice in human populations - some people get sick, sleep it off then move on - never once seeing a doctor, if they do see a doctor the doc says 'sure its a flu, sleep it off'

then someone sees a new strain and starts looking for it, suddenly it seems to be all over the place.

Ok, basically the whole 'is it man made' comes down to the simple (and i've heard alex jones repeat this every 2min)

alex jones says its for population cull , Wayne Madsen believes its for profit , which is true , (check sales forecast of 531%)
so sheepleboy , who would i believe you ? a sheeple who swallows MSM nonsense , or a former NSA official whos also an investigative journalist
i am not american , jones has to fearmonger because most americans are dumb,stupid and just interested in sex , to awaken stupid americans from their sleep , he seems to fearmonger .
anyways i am happy that americans are still sheeple (so faster collapse of USA will come

this is just silly, i'm not going to debate further - you spouted some nonsense about how virus work with which was completely wrong, i show you the truth but no you totally ignore it -it's as if you couldn't see it. Now you come back with this?

you haven't provided a shred of evidence to back your BS ,

, sheepleboy , virus mutate , but the way this virus mutated and drastic alteration of gene composition , theres no natural explanation to it .

many biologists are perplexed by unique characteristics of this virus

baxter had tainted its vaccines with powerful avian flu virus deliberately are you aware of that , sheepleboy?

[edit on 18-5-2009 by Kombatt98]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Kombatt98

oh and YOU might need to choose who to believe me or some random writer - I however actually bothered to read and understand the situation, i understand whats going on so i don't need to believe anyone but myself.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by NatureBoy
reply to post by Kombatt98

oh and YOU might need to choose who to believe me or some random writer - I however actually bothered to read and understand the situation, i understand whats going on so i don't need to believe anyone but myself.

some random writer , lol, the guy is former NSA
sheepleboy ,

i am not going tobe convinced by the stupid ramblings of some random sheeple , but rather a person of repute , like the former NSA official , whos spoken to scientists and reporters ,

forgotten that baxter co(pharma-biotech) deliberately tainted the vaccines with highly powerful avian flu virus.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Kombatt98

the constant attempt at undermining my intelligence with you silly ad hom 'sheepleboy' is getting a bit tedious, it won't work because I actually know what i'm talking about here.

Shred of evidence?

Scroll up to how i explain the process of viral life, you described the actions of a bacteria NOT a virus - a virus works like i said, it's a string of DNA which inserts itself into the DNA code of a living cell - this means that it's not just possible but HIGHLY LIKELY that it will combine with some other DNA to create a entirely new form of virus.

This is quiet simple what a virus is.

sorry but it's that simple, go read up on how virus work it's actually rather interesting - in fact, they play a large part in our own evolution; a virus inserting, stealing or editing our own DNA.

crazy world.

[edit on 18-5-2009 by NatureBoy]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Kombatt98

or instead of just following what someone else say why not find out for yourself how things work? crazy concept i know!

haha its so ironic that you're the one calling me sheepleboy - i'm the one that actually bothered to learn about what i'm talking about, you on the other hand are just parroting whatever some former nsa guy says lol.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 12:27 PM
Madsen: 'Swine flu virus began life in lab'


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