Just from my perspective and cultural understandings:
Firstly - You are not possessed. Not at all. Of that I am certain.
How so? Well - possession would not allow YOU to even contemplate let alone ask the question.
Attachment and influence however are different kettles of fish. For you the issue is far more likely one of an *attachment* exercising some
intermitent (or even sustained) influence upon you...upon your emotions, your thought processes and thus your actions.
Some previous repliers have brought up the issue of strengthen onself - or being 'stronger' in oneself. And yes I agree on some levels with that,
however I'll also add this:
A Soldier who finds themselves under fire, in a warzone, subjected to threat and harm...they may well wear a helmet, a bullet-proof vest etc. Those
items may well offer them some form of protection, they may well keep them relatively safe from small arms fire. However those items - that helmet and
that vest - are no more part of THEM, of who they are and their own personal resilience/strength, than anything else they may or may not wear.
So too in some ways can a sense of 'self armour'...of building ones individual *strength* offer some element of protection...but to depend upon what
one *wears* can at times be somewhat foolhardy at best - downright dangerous at worst.
You may have a very advanced, very strong helmet and vest...and indeed they may keep smaller, or even medium calibre rounds from piercing you -
however, you may find yourself exposed to much larger rounds.
No helmet, no vest, is going to offer you any effective protection against an enemy scoping you with .50 Barret or something.
The greater the level the bigger the devil...
So what can help keep you protected when facing much stronger fire? Well - standing behind a wall might be a good option. Being transported around in
Armoured Support may be another.
However that wall or that tank is still not you. You could be riding in that tank fully clothed, fully helmetted and vested, or riding in it
completely butt-naked.
You could be man or a child riding in that tank...the levels of protection it offers are the same. So in that regard it again matters not ones own
*personal strengths*. The protection is not offered by their age, their strength, clothed or naked.
You could ride all day in that tank and in no way be affected by small arms fire - maybe not even heavy calibre fire.
Though that said - even with armour, theres more to survival than just walking around armoured up. Good Intel is another factor...being aware of where
a nest of enemy gunners are situated and either avoiding that area or exercising more caution in those areas, or calling in some Air Support to fly
over and napalm them before they even snap off a shot at you can be a lot more effective in keeping you from harm.
So...I guess, well other than having watched one too many War movies, that what I wish to express to you is that you may find greater sustainability,
survivability not in personalising the battle - not in being a solo soldier...but rather in utilising (and placing your faith/trust) in the full force
of whatever *tactical group* you can call upon.
Yes indeed I'm talking about faith. Oh no, a God-freak some may say...however thats not strictly where I'm coming from.
What I'd like to put across to you is that none of us - not one in my opinion - can sustain any and all attacks.
Sooner or later...no matter how *strong* we may be...there will likely come a time that all our own
individual strength will be reduced to
nought when a large enough shell comes whistling in.
The iconic movie 'Rambo' may well have been some one man solo butt-kicking machine, popping off all and sundry...but a *spiritual Rambo* is someone
destined for disaster.
Why? Ego.
Ego breeds overconfidence. Ego breeds an inflated sense of security. Ego breeds risky attitudes and actions.
Safety is found
not in the personal...but the collective.
Not in the beating of ones chest, standing in the open and gouding ones enemy...but rather in the quiet humbleness of trusting your protection is
already there or being dispatched on its way.
In handing over the task of protection, of defense - and when/where necessary
offence to something far more capable. Not to yourself - but to
the Armoured Division, to the Firebases and the Air Support.
In some ways its also about maintaining clear/effective communication lines to those support squads.
As others have spoken about - positive focus. Not getting your wires tangled in the mud, or your radios out of tune. So theres a place for your own
*personal* involvement...in the settling of oneself as best you can...of not involving yourself in things that can create static on that radio
Most importantly all the support squads in the world won't mean a lick if you don't
call them in to your position. And by that I mean that
quite literally.
The spoken word is incredible powerful.
Many cultures - as does mine (
Maori) speak of the power of the spoken word.
Indeed for many of those cultures *life* itself was passed via a breath. A breath from that which each culture sees as its Creator, as 'God' if you
will...my culture terms that '
Io Matua Kore'.
It was within the breath (of one of the Atua/God-like descendents - Tane) that the life, the power, the essence of Man was embodied.
So - ones intentions, ones wants
need to be spoken. For by speaking them you take them from thought - you form them into words and
embody/enliven them with *breath*...or as my culture says, the *ha*.
"Kei roto i te kupu te mauri, te oranga" - "Within the (spoken) word is the life essence, the healing".
energy of it resides within the spoken word.
Oh, its certainly fine to *think* the intention, to *broadcast* the call out there via thought. For instance, when some people are experiencing hard
times or issues they may think to themselves something like "Oh Lord/God/Whomever please help me with this" etc. They may *think* a little
prayer to themselves.
Thats fine. Not knocking that at all.
But - to
speak it. That is to effectively bold, underline and exclamation mark it. That makes that call clear. No misinterpretation or
misunderstanding. No confusion. Its deliberately, consciously and completely formed...taken from thought, formed into action (via speaking), given
life (via breath).
So...after all that...what I'd encourage you to do is that when you feel that influence upon you...when that *presence* comes through to
speak its denial. Literally speak it.
What words you use are up to you - be it something as simple as "No." or something more detailed like "I deny you. I deny your influence. You have
none over me. Be gone".
Basically its about sending - and speaking - a clear message to that *influence* that 1)It is not wanted, 2)It is uninvited, 3)It has no rights to you
or over you. YOU hold the governance of yourself and what you will and will not allow in.
What I'd also do is encourage you to also hand over the task of keeping your safety and security to whatever energy, or ancestor, or God, or whatever
*essence* of your understanding. Hand it over to 'it/them' to deal with and deal to.
Thats your firebase, your air support. Leave it to it/them to clear out your enemies. Leave the method, the judgement, the action to it/them.
Your overall safety - just again my perspective and my cultural understanding - is not found fulltime in the personalisation of the encounter...but in
the handing of it over.
Again -
speak it.. Speak that call, that request, that handing over.
What words you use for that, hey, over to you.
...anyhoo...enough for now...
wishing you peace and calmness.