posted on May, 19 2009 @ 05:17 AM
Read Alert
Originally posted by whitewave
The times I've hit the alert button I thought the violation in the offending post was obvious but now I see that it may just be me that is offended.
I'll post a brief description from now on. If nothing happens, I'll know it was just me.
We do get a significant number of alerts and complaints that don't necessarily pertain to
T&C violations, as well as quite a few where violations are involved, but where
dramatic, overt action may not be the way we decide to handle things.
I know it can be frustrating to ALERT a post and not see anything happen, but we do pay attention to them and they are a tremendous help for us when
it comes to responding to problems. When in doubt, it's always best to let us know.
When we do encounter trouble, we have a wide range of options for dealing with it. As a general rule, we try not to be heavy-handed and prefer to
resolve problems with a minimum of hassle. Our goal is to promote discussion, not bust people for every technical violation.
Because we do use discretion, our methods may not always be obvious, and some members may not agree with them. That's okay, and it's okay to let us
know -- as long as it's not in the form of disruption or public arguments that
U2Us, ALERTS or Complaints are the best ways to resolve disputes with mods. Regarding that, it's important to bear in mind that differences of
opinion are just that: differences of opinion. Polite disagreement is always welcome, but disputes which aren't founded in the
terms & conditions are ultimately groundless.
As with all things in life, moderating forums on ATS involves prioritization and tradeoffs. To the extent we can all recognize that and endeavor to
understand and work with one another, everyone wins.