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Swine flu closes more NYC schools, spreads in Asia

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posted on May, 17 2009 @ 03:10 AM
It has also appeared in a jail as well. I also have heard that it is working its way through the California prison system as well. Prisons and schools are tailor made for spreading a contageon due to population density etc.

NEW YORK – The swine flu virus continues spreading in New York City — closing more schools and showing up in a jail — while the disease also reached further into Asia among travelers returning from the United States.

An assistant school principal in New York remained hospitalized in critical condition Saturday and an inmate who entered the city's jail complex on Rikers Island about a month ago was diagnosed with swine flu on Friday.

The city Department of Correction said that the flu hadn't spread to other prisoners in the 13,200-inmate system.

The Rikers Island inmate — whose name or reason for being in custody wasn't released — was improving since his hospitalization on Wednesday and wasn't in serious condition, Correction Department spokesman Stephen Morello said.;_ylt=AlpyQCtce1UwrYJbFcIKnlfVJRIF

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 09:07 PM
Sisth death in the US today- the administrator in NY. Japan is exploding and the WHO is contemplating a Level 6, according to the NYT:

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 07:00 AM
When a prisoner dies in jail you dont hear about it so dont plan on getting info from there. Didnt Obama say not to close schools because of it? Why are they closing schools? I mean I personally would Im just saying mr odrama said not to.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by Memysabu

What- you don't subscribe to the mass-manipulation idea????

It's either a blatant psyop or else no one knows what the heck to do about this. Clearly the numbers aren't correlating, and the masses won't take it seriously unless we see bodies on AC360...

Vitamin D is a great immunomodulator- I say close all the schools and get all our kids to the park. It will give them a fighting chance in the fall...


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