posted on May, 16 2009 @ 07:13 AM
Having read a little of the buzz surrounding the new 'revolution of the internet', Wolfram Alpha, I thought It would be interesting to test it from
a conspiracy point of view, maybe finding some unknown secret of the NWO and finding a way to stop the grand scheme to de-populate and control the
earth....... and then sell my story to Dan Brown and get a multi-million one world currency (oh wait, that has been averted) movie deal.
After a few searches including questions involving the such as 'Zeitgeist, Above Top Secret, NWO, Illuminati' etc. I failed to discover their
diabolical secret.... so then I went for the search to end all searches....
December 21st, 2012!
Fearing what I might find, I sat for 10minutes waiting for the search to load with baited breath (and nearly collapsing due to the wait) and then
There will be 7 Hours 19 Minutes of Sunlight.
Guess they hide their plans better than i thought.....