posted on May, 15 2009 @ 07:46 PM
Being a military man with a family and a strong supporter of POW's (Personally Owned Weapons), I am constantly reading articles about the Government
wanting to initiate another "assault weapons" ban and/or confiscate firearms. All the articles I read about government weapon confiscation is about
civilians, and I am curious to know where service members would fall into this little shindig.
I am a law-abiding citizen in good standing with my community, have no criminal record and am in the US military. I have enough firearms and
ammunition for my wife and myself to handle any situation that requires use of such tools, and all of them are bought/registered legally. Now, if you
aren't in the military or are fairly ignorant to the way things are done concerning this, if you own a firearm and live within 150 miles (usually) of
a military installation, you must register your firearm with the post in which you are stationed. All of my weapons have gone through the paperwork
and are legal on post here.
However, the thing that bothers me the most is that suppose if our government were to try and disarm everybody, I would assume that they would
eventually come a knockin' on my door "politely asking" for me to turn in my firearms, which would put me in a very awkward place. Being a
soldier, i would want to do the right thing, but being a VERY strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, I would feel inclined not to turn in my
Originally, I thought I was the only military type who had thought of this, but I've asked quite a few military personnel who own firearms what they
would do in this particular situation, and ALL of them said that they would prefer anything over the willing surrender of their POW's.
There are a lot of ignorant people out there who believe that the military are a bunch of mindless machines, but i can assure that in a situation like
the one mentioned above and all over this website, that many military men would rather suffer a negative consequence rather than go with the herd and
do what they're told.
I would like to broaden my search of military members, soldiers from different branches/posts who own POW's, and I would also like to know your
opinion on this matter. I know this whole "disarming" of citizens is a logistical nightmare and would be quite difficult to achieve peacefully, I
am just curious to see what other members' opinions would be on the matter. Mind you that I am not trying to sway a vote or influence people in any
manner, I am simply curious to see if anyone has something to contribute to this hypothetical that crosses my mind from time to time.
I apologize if this is not in the right forum, I haven't been on this site in a good while, and still have yet to get fully acquainted with it for
-The Squirrel