posted on May, 15 2009 @ 02:03 PM
A crystaline structure completey devoid of water, clear, like some sort of dehydrated quartz or something.. Isnt that on the back side of the moon?
would be difficult to focus in on that considering the moon does not rotate, well, atleast to my understanding anyway. Richard Hoagland will have no
problem finding a job.. its hard to turn away a former consultant to NASA from any job in science. Especially mathematics. And Oberg will debunk
nothing unless he is told to do so, and just because a NASA scientist says otherwise.. thats tantemount to telling a Native American to trust the US
I do have to agree.. NASA, may drop in frequently, as I have an uncle thats been an engineer for them for 34 years.. they answer to no one. SOMETIMES
they will answer to the government, but ultimately, thats the branch that gets away with pretty much anything.