posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:26 PM
actually i really feel i have to stress, this is A missing link, it's not the one everyone talks about though... This links small tree climbing
mammals to the monkey line of the tree, thus it is an awesome find and fills in a blank we've been wonder about for years it points to exactly what
sort of animal we were before we even sorta resembled human shape.
However the much touted missing link is between our simian relatives and 'higher man' - of course this was arguably the find dubbed 'lucy' who is
our biological parent (all of us) but that still leaves a few open spaces on the map yet to be filled in.
It is of course a find as important as the roseta stone, it does once again verify the theory of evolution and is highly fascinating - THE missing
link? haha, a meaningless term.