reply to post by mmiichael
Sure Mike. Most all the UFO stuff has been nonsense. Lot's of light weight new age wishful thinking.
However, my point stands; If the government knew, they'd keep the advantage. Likely, if a government agency knew -- it would morph into the hands of
a corporation. Our Banks, Big Oil and the Military, tell the government what to do.
They would NOT bother to use High tech to win a war. The military makes more money if it just keeps a few steps ahead. Often, when a contractor wants
more money, it lets the secrets slip, and that requires an "upgrade" -- or they give the weapons system to Israel, they reverse engineer it, and
then sell our weapons to other countries.
>> Regardless of whether theories are accurate or not -- the government would not tell us and it would be the meal ticket for a few wealthy
industrialists who would then influence government policy. THEY don't have to get elected.
>> The other thing I'd like to re-emphasize; there are about a trillion planets in our Galaxy. They recently studied the blankest part of space --
smaller then your pinky nail when you hold it out to the sky. Within this area, they trained Hubble on the spot and sampled that area -- I believe,
for the next 4 days.
They found about a billion galaxies in that little backwater of the sky.
So you know what? The chances that we have intelligent life out there is an absolute certainty. When you are talking about an infinite Universe --
everything isn't only possible -- it is likely.
Give the human race a million years. The universe has been here at least a billion. So any race that had a million years to develop would be godlike
by now.
A few smart physicists have realized that life tends to create polarized light -- a side effect of chemical processes and yellow stars. So we might be
able to find likely life-bearing planets by looking for polarized light.
So I imagine, that for a civilization with 1 million years of technology -- we stand out like a beacon.
I don't need UFO spare parts to tell me; It is almost a certainty that earth has been visited by advanced sentient races, and that they watch us from
time to time. Anyone who makes it to the stars is curious -- it just goes with the whole "advancing" situation. Likely they might be part machine as
well, as that's a good way to step beyond mere evolution.
That doesn't mean that we've seen them, or hit them with a missile. They may fold space and avoid anything including light -- we are just getting an
inkling of what is possible. So ALL the UFO reports can be bogus -- every single one. We may have no evidence at all.
That doesn't mean that I don't believe that for a fact, there are beings around us, and watching us. They may not want to, or be able to, interact
with us.
Infinite Universe with billions of years to develop. Yes, I'm 99.99% certain that advanced races exist. And if they exist, given that we've had
appreciable amounts of life for 3 Billion. They would have sent a probe to check us out -- being that costs go down on these things every year in
post-industrial societies.
If they sent a probe and found reasonably intelligent life. They sent scientists.
It might be amusing to them that we shoot down weather balloons, or see swamp gas and think its a vehicle from the sky. They could be walking through
buildings and we would never know it.