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H1N1 in pregnant women on the rise.

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posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:40 PM
CDC is publishing three cases of women in the US (one of whom dies) of high susceptibility to the new strain(s) of flu.:

As well, the third case presented shows transmissibility from patient to clinician, as her physician contracted the virus, as well:

"Patient C. On April 29, a woman aged 29 years at 23 weeks' gestation was experiencing cough, sore throat, chills, subjective fever, and weakness of 1 day's duration and was seen at the family practice clinic where she had been receiving prenatal care. The patient had a history of asthma but was not taking any asthma medications. Her son, aged 10 years, reportedly had similar symptoms the week before the onset of her symptoms. Another son, aged 7 years, had become ill on the same day as his mother and accompanied her to the clinic. At the clinic, the younger son was coughing vigorously and was asked to put on a mask by office staff members. Rapid influenza diagnostic testing in the family practice clinic of a nasopharyngeal sample from patient C was positive. The woman was prescribed oseltamivir, which she began taking later the same day. Her symptoms are resolving without complications, and her pregnancy is proceeding normally. "

Patient C had not traveled to Mexico recently. Her son aged 7 years also was prescribed oseltamivir on April 29 but was not tested for influenza. The physician who evaluated patient C was also pregnant (13 weeks' gestation). The physician began chemoprophylaxis with oseltamivir and has remained asymptomatic.

----from the CDC article cited in above link.

Please note her physician was also pregnant, and received anti-virals. I can't fathom what kind of danger that places on a developing embryo/fetus/baby (depending on her length of term).

This is proof that the virus attacks young people, people with underlying health issues, etc. As well, it also shows the flu's affinity for healthy people, as pregnant women without underlying health problems are generally at the height of their health. I look forward to reading anyone else's opinions, references, etc.
Stay well.

[edit on 12-5-2009 by CultureD]

[edit on 12-5-2009 by CultureD]

[edit on 12-5-2009 by CultureD]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:41 PM
Well, I've tried twice to put this quote in external content box. Please forgive me- I'll keep working on my usage of the site's tools.


posted on May, 12 2009 @ 11:01 PM
Actually I find this very interesting because H1N1 was supposed to produce the cytokinine storms in those with strong immune systems-

While a pregnant woman is in some ways "at the height of her health" she also is undergoing an extremely complicated which the immune system is really lowered; such as that of the young and old etc. In fact, regular flu system can be particularly nasty for a pregnant woman to "shake". Her immune system becomes insufficient because it is protecting the a way.

Not to mention, Tamiflu is at present not recommended for those pregnant or lactating.....

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by CultureD

Please note her physician was also pregnant, and received anti-virals. I can't fathom what kind of danger that places on a developing embryo/fetus/baby (depending on her length of term).

Important topic. S&F.

Years ago I posted studies/links showing that a high % of women who had the flu while pregnant had children with genetic impacts including developmental and/or chronic illness.

Will see if I can find it.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:53 PM
I know pregnancy can alter a woman's health dramatically, and render her susceptible to bugs. I was just saying that she's also making tons of antibodies and hormones, and a cytokine storm would be logical in her body- (doesn't this flu attack the healthy?)

Tha AP is reporting 20 cases today of pregnant women- who knows how many children will be born with "Tamiflu Syndrome"? and no recourse against the drugmakesr, poor things.


Sorry- edit- here's the AP link:

[edit on 13-5-2009 by CultureD]


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