posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:29 PM
If we don’t own our minds, we’re like pawns in a game where we’re not the player. We’re being played. Corporations, governments, advertisers
and even religions (oops, I said it) have gone to great lengths to control your mind. Sometimes their tactics are obvious, but most of the time they
are downright sneaky.
If we want to ensure that we’re living for ourselves and not serving some corporation’s agenda, we have to put on our mental armor. We have to arm
our minds so we can first know when their is an assault on our sovereignty.
Here are 10 tools you can use to avoid brainwashing and retain the ownership of your mind.
1. Decrypt media spin.
The media uses many different tools and angles to sensationalize things that aren’t inherently sensational. “Experts generally agree” can mean a
community college professor and “recent surveys find” can mean the polling of 10 people.
Be wary of any claims where the sources aren’t explicitly stated.
2. Break through the hype.
This approach is most popular among the military. This is for an obvious reason: to make you conform and adhere to the purpose of the larger whole. On
one hand, I understand why they have to do what they do. But on the other, I am wary of any group the discourages questioning the command. If you
don’t think the purpose of your troop’s mission ethical, sorry, you don’t get an opinion. If you don’t agree with the chain of command, too
Sometimes we think there is no other choice but to follow the leader with our heads down. But if we just look a little further, there’s usually
another way we didn’t see before.
3. Don’t buy into scare tactics.
This approach is most popular among the military. This is for an obvious reason: to make you conform and adhere to the purpose of the larger whole. On
one hand, I understand why they have to do what they do. But on the other, I am wary of any group the discourages questioning the command. If you
don’t think the purpose of your troop’s mission ethical, sorry, you don’t get an opinion. If you don’t agree with the chain of command, too
Sometimes we think there is no other choice but to follow the leader with our heads down. But if we just look a little further, there’s usually
another way we didn’t see before.
4. Survey says.
Surveys and statistics are often skewed to support the agenda of the presenter. Just because a survey says something, doesn’t mean you have to
believe it. Even if it’s from a reputable source, keep in mind that everyone has an agenda. Even Green Peace. Even Obama. Even your mom.
5. Be conscious of subliminal messages.
Advertisers have cleverly discovered that they can sell you something much easier if it’s associated with a certain lifestyle. A Mercedes equals
luxury and high class; a Jeep means you’re rugged and adventurous. Cut through the BS. You define the way you live; your lifestyle doesn’t define
6. Don’t be a sheep.
The word “authority” derives from the word author, which simply means the one who originated the idea. It doesn’t mean they are right, or that
they are the end of the line. Get as many different opinions as possible before making a decision and trust your common sense.
7. Be certain, or circumvent.
Have you ever noticed that extremely enthusiastic people have an uncanny ability to sway others? Their unshakeable certainty lures others into follow
them, simply because they don’t have a strong opinion one way or the other. If you don’t know, don’t let someone else’s certainty force you to
make a choice. Do your own research and come to your own conclusion.
8. Listen to your gut.
Follow your gut/intuition. If you think something’s shady, chances are it is. Your mind will usually want to prolong making a decision until it gets
all the facts straight. You’ll usually find that after you’ve sorted everything out your gut was right all along. Save yourself some time and
trust yourself.
[edit on 12-5-2009 by Ignorance Denied]