posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:18 PM
there is a game here called Pick Three.
I do not play myself, but a co-worker explained this a year ago.
I'll do my best to remember the exact #'s...I will prolly not get it exact.
Pick 3 thats 000-999 1000:1 odds
He buys the .50 tickets $50 at a time thats an even 100 tickets.
It pays off with $500 if you win.
So unless I'm missing something here, its as good of odds as any Vegas game.
That reduces it to 1 in 10 chance to win, and if you start with the $500 to begin with, that gives you ten times to try....most think they can win at
least one time out of ten, and if you do better, say win 2 times maybe 3 out of ten, you just padded your playing it out longer, was his theory, that
he could win more over time than chase the BIG ONE.
The numbers add up and make sence to me, but I'm sure I am missing a key piece of this story.