posted on May, 14 2009 @ 05:08 PM
"Welcome to the Antique County Street Show we have a Ms. Glenn Maynar with us now, How are you Dear", ...
"I'm just Fine Pete,"Glenn says...... "Glenn is 84 years old and she has brought us a 17th century Dutch Musket used by her Great GrandFather
Colonel Harley in the 1865 battle of Aiken, SC and may I say it's in excellent condition Glenn"..."Thank You Pete"...
"Now let me take a gander at this spectacular machine and give you a fair assessment of it's true value........Yes....Oh Yes...Glenn, my dear this
instrument is estimated at...WOW... a whopping $505,000.00"...
"Oh my Gosh"...Ms. Maynar places her hand over her mouth,..."Mam my managers would like to speak with you after our next guest if you don't mind
selling this Historic Relic"..."I don't mind at all Pete"...Glenn says
"Well step right over here to my left Mam....and we have with us now a Dale,...I'm sorry they didn't get your last name...what is it sir?"
..."Eubanks"..... "We have a Dale Eubanks from Smyrna is that correct?...."Yes".....and sir what would you like the Antiques County Street Show
to review today?" Pete reaches a hand out to grab the case, his reflexes give him a jolt backwards....."OK....Alright.....hold on mam..... uh,
Mr.Eubanks what exactly is that?..NO MAM!!!, you can stay right there every thing's under control..... ....No he will not, he's not going to hurt
you Ms. Maynar just stand by my side"....
"....OK, I'm gonna have to get some assistance, ...Yes, Thank You Jim, I need you to hold this end for me...mmm hmm..." Pete slowly lifts the glass
top off the case, a blue tint began to overshadow the creatures brown leather skin.....Pete "GASPS!!!". Ms.Maynar points the musket at the creature.
Dale grabs his magnum.
Four State Troopers and a Fire Truck arrive on the scene in minutes. Rumors start to spread through the crowd. A note of resuscitation was scribbled
underneath the odd blue creature a small green energy pill lay in its mouth.
Tina scrapes her 'Dale's #1 Lot Lizard' sticker from off the fridge. "I guess I'm finally #2 now"(sniff,sniff) ....she walks down the hall and
squeezes past her ma. Tina stares at the empty top bunk where Dale slept peacefully that morning,.."Why me".. .. she turns her black and white
toshiba to channel 2..the antique county street show is on.....