posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:28 PM
ATS is out of control with absolute garbage. Take this thread for example...
Jesus gets props blah blah blah
That thread is poorly written, divisive nonsense. It does NOTHING to improve the quality of ATS, and it takes up space on the login page where the
"top threads" should be shown.
A question you may be asking yourself now is, why is it there? Well, it's there because a huge argument has broken out between the OP and a few
people, and as the posts to time ratio increases it becomes a theoretically "more popular" thread.
I propose a THUMBS DOWN feature, which would take away a flag from a thread. This was discussed once before but it was ignored, much to the loss of
the members truly looking for quality threads. Also, when a thread has ZERO flags (much like my above example at the time of my posting this), a
THUMBS DOWN would result in the accumulation of ANTI-FLAGS, which, after a predetermined number have accumulated, would CLOSE THE THREAD.
In this way, the members could prevent ATS from becoming a complete crap heap.
Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.
Thank you for your compliance and understanding.
[edit on 5/11/2009 by kinglizard]