posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:26 AM
I don't normally post in Super Mod threads but I had to write something. The staff here are generally good, but I noticed yeahright and a couple of
other mods as being a bit friendlier and more caring than the rest. I've always remembered Yeahright's balance and sobriety in the Sleeper thread.
When everyone else was bickering and arguing, YR just said, -"lets just be cool and hear the guy out." The thread would have turned into a
monstrosity of fail without that kind of input.
YR, you are the very model of a modern moderator.
I hope this doesn't embarrass you,
Good luck.
[edit on 15f20092amTue, 12 May 2009 00:28:50 -050050 by HiAliens]