posted on May, 18 2009 @ 10:50 AM
I will start off by saying, I am an American who, up until about 3 months ago had been living , studying and working in the UK, for 2.5 years. I’m
back Stateside.I was fortunate enough to be relatively healthy for the entirety of my time in the UK only going to see a local GP once or twice for
various minor issues. I can say that the service that I received, on the NHS, was prompt and efficient, aside for having to sit around for a little
while waiting for my appointment, like everyone else. Medication that I needed was cheap. All in all, my assessment of the NHS is a positive one,
even in living in Staffordshire, which is where the Daily Mail(which is referenced in a link in the second post and is a completely worthless
newspaper) noted problems of a “Third World” Hospital.
My wife, who is British, has been in hospitals in the UK many times and is an avid supporter of the NHS, having also worked for the NHS on several
occasions from an administrative perspective, she still maintains that they do an excellent job.
Now, as I said, I am back stateside, and I work for the health care service…it’s a Temp to Perm position…and I do not have Health
Insurance…well, I sorta do, but only because I’m in Massachusetts…the thing is, I have never really “had” health insurance since I was
covered under my parents insurance plan. I’ve consistently worked, full time…but unfortunately, mostly through employment agencies which, until
lately were not require to provide for such insurance…etc…and obviously, though I earn well over minimum wage, with bills to pay and loans to pay
off…I simply cannot afford health insurance, or really to go to the doctor’s for a checkup…or to go to the dentist…which is care I could have
received, and did receive while in the UK under the NHS, even not being British…
I have to say, it isn’t fair. It isn’t fair that I, and tens of millions of Americans like me, cannot afford medical insurance and subsequently
medical care. When we talk about health care reform and the institution of nationalized health care, the conversation eventually goes onto the topic
of “I don’t want the government making decisions about my health care.” Well…we allow the Health Insurance companies to make those decisions,
and their motivation is to make money…we know that they do whatever they can to cut costs and make profits…we know that they deny people coverage
for pre-existing conditions… Then the conversation goes onto “well, those companies have a right to make those profits, they are not socially
liable to all of the public, it’s a business…” and that’s exactly the problem…
We live in a society where life is business…we are nothing more than fleshy sacks of cash for these industries…and that is not ethically
Its my opinion that health insurance is little more than a scam…they are a scam that inhibits the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness for far too
many people in this nation…and it is for this reason that we need to get away from this “profit driven health care model” that we exist
And in any case…we, America, are not the standard….we are the exception. If our system was so good, everyone else around the world would be
adopting it…but it’s the other way around, most of the liberal democratic countries have nationalized healthcare systems…