posted on May, 10 2009 @ 03:58 AM
You know, I've herd of this many many times, and really never gave it much thought.
But the other day, I came into my bed room and there was a new program on and it was talking about this "new strain of flu" and just pretty much
what has been spread on the new lately, but then all a sudden I realized it wasn't the news but the movie "The Invasion" and I was shocked at how
much it really seemed like the real life event that was happening right at that moment sure as hell gave me the creeps! haha.
Then I remember with the movie "Independence Day" they did a fake news show about aliens invading the earth like HG Wells did (I think that's who
sorry) and I was probably about 12 years old and I was so scared.
I thought aliens were really landing on earth, I can't even imagine what it was like when the Radio event like that happened my father said it was
I do find it strange how they almost try to force you to imagine what it would be like if it were real and will go to any means to make it seem
Also, I find it interesting how un reliable the government is in all virus outbreak movies like trying to program us to just pretty much have low
standards so when an event like that does happen we'll "appreciate" what they do and think "they could do worse"
If I were to assume that these two movies were always played with an agenda behind them I would assume that
A) Men In Black - Would play the role to make people be more "light hearted" about aliens, and not be as scared and put of with them, to see them in
a more "friendly goofy" way, or make it seems so ridiculous it could never happen, also a light hidden message of "we secretly have things under
B) Independence Day - Completely one of those movies that is suppose to fill you with hope and pride in your country, to give false comfort that if
something so horrible were to happen that we would come together and USA would be the savior of us all, and that they "common" man can be apart of
it all and be the hero, possibly making men who feel less achieved will risk their neck and put their life on the line, it's ok if they die as long
as they leave their family proud.
These are just my ideas on how these movie could effect the psyche.
Another movie that is ALWAYS on TV is Jurassic Park.
And ever since that movie and actually more recently they have started to talk about a few individuals who may possibly attempt this.
I'd be really interested in seeing a list of movies in the past that have some how predicted real life events.
I think it's possible I really do some how some way, if planned by the government, or something beyond that out of the hands of humans.
It kind of plays on the thoughts behind randomness and so on is anything really random or simply just a coincidence or is there more behind it?
Maybe there's more behind the saying "life imitates art".
/end my mindless rambling.
Star and Flag for an interesting highly relevant topic.