posted on May, 8 2009 @ 07:47 PM
Well, if you truly believe in evil reptilians, you have to ask yourself why they ignore God.
They themselves exist inside of God, and they ignore that fact. If they don't acknowledge God, then ask yourself why they are so ignorant. They must
not be very intelligent if they can't see the existence of God.
If it wasn't for the energy around us, like light, gravity, and magnetic force, well, nothing would exist, not even them (if they do exist).
If it wasn't for the light, this planet wouldn't be warm enough to sustain liquid water. If it wasn't for the light, and water, well this planet
wouldn't have trees, plants, fruits, vegetables, and definitely wouldn't have oxygen. Since almost all life on the planet can't exist without
water, oxygen, and light, I guess it's safe to say that all of that energy is our life giver. All that energy created us, and was
responsible for giving us the breath of life.
Who invented hot and cold, light and dark, negative and positive? Well the energy around us did. Actually the energy around us is what created
everything, and this is scientific fact.
I guess if you are absolutely ignorant, and ungrateful, you could possibly ignore the fact that the energy around us created us, and constantly gives
us life. But how can you ignore that?!?! How can you be ungrateful for the water you drink? The air you breath? The food you eat?
When a police officer, or firefighter, or doctor, or nurse, or when anyone saves a life, you will call them a "hero". However, when they drink water
that keeps them alive, and watch the Sun rise to sustain warmth and pressure enough to keep water liquid, and to give light to the plants, and
evaporate water for oxygen, they are totally ungrateful! It's like ignoring God's gift of life, and ignoring the fact that God is your hero too.
I'm guessing that God's plan is to give everyone free will, so that they can learn from their mistakes. Since there is absolutely no way in
existence for someone to destroy light, gravity, magnetic force, or all of energy, I guess that means there is no way in existence that anything or
anyone can destroy God. God is so perfect, that light will always be light, gravity will always be gravity, opposites will always attract, and likes
will always repel, and life will always continue.
If you believe that all of the universe is just a playground, and God exists in the playground, I think you might be wrong (my opinion). God
is the playground. The playground gives us life, gives us love, gives us our family, gives us everything we need.
When they say "God is everywhere", they mean it literally. In the light, in the water, in the dirt, in all the elements, in the air, in the walls
of your house, in your skin and your body, in everything. God sees and knows all things that happen.
When people ignore God, that's when bad things start to happen. Unfortunately, the world started to ignore God a looong time ago.
Because people are afraid of death, and pain, well, they start to think God doesn't exist. They don't understand and can't comprehend the plan God
set for us, so they start to believe there is no plan. They lose faith in the plan. It happens all the time.
Everything that happens, happens for a reason. We have free will, but we only have so much control. For example, you have free will to throw a stone
in a glass house, but you have no control over how the glass breaks, where the glass falls, and where the stone lands. If you know God well, you can
predict most of it, maybe control a portion of it, but there will always be an element you can't control, which is controlled by God.
The point of this post:
If "evil reptilians" think they can play God, they are going to make a big mistake. They do not have control, and will never gain
control. God will probably let them make their mistakes, but it will never be more than a huge mistake for them.