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Why we Americans say the Pledge...

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posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 10:17 PM
Okay... I may be taking a dangerous path here with plenty of flaming along the way, but here goes...

Why exactly DO we say the pledge in schools? After reading 5 novels about brainwashing (1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, The Wave) in the last 4 months, I must admit I've become quite paranoid about the media and our daily routines, fearing that perhaps we are manipulated much more than we'd like to think. It wasn't until today, however, that I felt uncomfortable saying the pledge. I'm patriotic, and I plan on joining the service at one point or another to protect it, but I don't understand completely why we must recite it everyday in our schools. In Arizona, we are required by STATE LAW to recite it!!!

The point I'm getting at, however, is that the pledge seems aimed at unifying our opinion of the United States. I believe what it says for the most part (and yes, I'm Catholic, so I appreciate 'under god'... that's what this country was founded on), yet I don't think it right that I must pledge allegiance to the flag everyday. (Huh, it could be worse, I suppose, at least I'm not pledging loyalty...
) The pledge almost seems to suppress negative thought over the USA, which I think is important. Otherwise, we would not be able to reform and improve the system as a whole.

Although the message of the pledge is not one that is suppressive in itself, I believe that any phrase or idea repeated constantly can greatly sway opinion and thought of the sayer. Furthermore, it could be considered subtle suggestion in calling our nation indivisible, perhaps as to suggest that we are one in thought. Taking this even further, as it is repeated many times, it could be interpreted by the mind that we should not become divided by thought in voicing our opinion against any of the reigning party's ideals.

I believe nationalism can be a good thing at times, yet it is something that is often taken for granted. I will remind you of the effects that nationalism had in both Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. Both Stalin and Hitler's governments were known for their propaganda programs that applied great pressure to the indepedent thoughts of the countries' people. Although I do not do so, I know many of the members of these boards are eager to draw parallels from these past political figures that represented hate, doom, and oppression to the modern president of the United States, Dubya.

I do hope this sparks an intelligent conversation, as I would love to hear the opinions of others on this subject. For the record, I have no personal complaints with the pledge of allegiance, and will continue to pledge as required, yet I find a source of enjoyment and intellectual growth in questioning what we take as daily routine and existence.


[Edited on 4-26-04 by Carvador]

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 10:22 PM
Uh, anyone?

[Edited on 4-26-04 by Carvador]

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 10:39 PM
I find it ironic that Francis Bellamy (who wrote it) considered placing the word, 'equality,' in his Pledge, but knew that no one would dig that, because that would mean women and minorities, and that wouldn't fly. Bellamy's granddaughter also said that he wouldn't of dug the 'God' part added, since he was kicked out of church for preaching 'equality'! He was a socialist back when being a socialist was cool. It just meant that you believed in equality and stuff, before the Red thing got out of hand.

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 10:43 PM
Yeah it probably should be somewhere else, but not sure which forum fits it best....

Any way back to the topic. You say the pledge as America is so diverse, so disparate that there is nothing to tie it together apart from this form of indoctrination and the flag. Thats all it is really, a form of social glue to unite the people, also works with the old hack saying "Teach them while they are young and they will stay like that for their lives".

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 10:44 PM
Interesting post. I am a flaming liberal on most issues so I always found it puzzling all the whoopla about the pledge. It always gave me a sense of pride and security that I lived in a country where I could run my mouth, mitch and boan and never be subject to retaliation, except of that by my parents. However, I do have a problem with the "under god" addition that the religous right felt obligated to add in the 50s. THis addition never made sense to me and has always annoyed me.

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 11:17 PM
I think the pledge is weird ever since we disected it in english class freshmen year (I kinda knew before that too). Think of it...I pledge my freakin ALLEGIANCE (spelling?) to a peice of cloth representing our country... Pledge our allegiance. Something feels wrong when I say that.. I like America, glad I live here. But something is up with that part. Now they want to take the under god part out. There are American flags in churches...nobody's bitching.

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 12:41 AM
I say the pledge with pride....pride in the history of where we've come from (good and bad), proud at those that have sacrificed forus to enjoy what we have now...

Of course this is "indoctrination"...big deal...
This pledge is to remind us all that we SHARE this nation together, that no one of us is more important than the next....that we are each supposed to be RESPONSIBLE to one another as decent Americans.

Its a sign of respect that we all take a moment to reflect on this idea of a UNITED STATES before we stuff ourselves with hotdogs and beer at the big game, then run off into our individuallities of rooting for one team or another, driving home in whatever we'd like (or can afford) to wherever we want to live here. (more for the Nat anthem, but ive seen the pledge used simillary)

The pledge helps identify us as a CULTURE to other nations...much like our flag or anthem....It is a symbol.

The UNDER GOD part.....religion and politics being oil and water here, i understand where some might not expouse that idea, so just skip those words silently as you say the rest of the pledge.

Ill respect you more for participating as a citizen,not speaking about god if you wish, and allowing the rest of us the freedom to do so...
Those that wish to rip this phrase out, dont show any respect for the people that dont mind a mention to a higher power as part of our shared doesnt say christ, mohammed, budda...ect it just reflects that indeed some people reccognise a higher power as part of their countries culture.

If we stripped our culture of the commonalities that are supposed to help bring us together....
how would we define ourselves from other nations?
How would we have a way to bridge our differences here without something in common like the pledge?

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