posted on May, 5 2009 @ 03:18 AM
Are you asking whether this is possible according to tradition, i.e., within the context of the belief systems that spawned incubus lore?
'Cause if your question is based on the assumption that there really is such a thing as an incubus, well, I'd say that's a pretty big
There is much evidence, most of it anecdotal, but some of it physical, which suggests that "aliens" have been deeply involved in the pregnancies of
UFO experiencers, and in some cases, may have even caused those pregnancies. The parallel with incubus legends is obvious, but if there's anything to
these stories, they would represent cases of pregnancy caused by people mistaken for incubus, as opposed to pregnancy caused by actual
Regarding sleep-paralysis, there's no way to really track any kind of statistics or numbers here, but it's such a common thing, and happens to such
a large number of people, that the chances of any one sleep-paralysis sufferer's malady having any kind of supernatural cause has got to be
infinitesimally small.