posted on May, 5 2009 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by MoreFunky85
Well There are some futher out there guys than Alex.
The fact you feel fear when he's talking to you(you said he fear mongers like the govt) is a direct representation of how you process data in your
mind. Stop being scared of Alex! I am neither scared of the GOVt or any man, fear is an animal response and when your properly trained somthing simple
lke hearing words wont scare you at all. NOw chem trails are
I was on his show last week and told him that we will give him a makeover and he laughed. He's far from perfect and truthfully scares people away
quickly. He knows this but why be anyone different than your slef no matter what people say about you.
Check out David Wilcock or David Icke... They are more far out but provide the same basic knowledge, you just have to tolerate the fact one says 4d
reptoids controll the NWO and another says that trhe NWO is many factions that are waring.
All in all you need to take things with a grain of salt. Yes the Nazi's that financed Hitler still are in power today. Try watching this movie
Its data is amazing and it has a female voiceover which men find non-scary(unless you have mommy issues) and allthough it is deeper than you have ever
gone into this world they control... If Alex Uses fear in your words, wait till you see what the reality of this all is.