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Air Force in 1996 Predicts 30 Million Dead In 2009 Influenza!

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posted on May, 3 2009 @ 10:41 PM
The U.S. Air Force had a "fictional" scenario made in 1996 predicting the future of the military, and inside it was said that 30 Million People will die in the Influenza of 2009.

Could this be the Swine Flu?

I think it's pretty interesting that they are right on target with an Influenza killing people in 2009.

Coincidence? I don't think so. This is like saying it's a coincidence that 9/11 happened when there was an Illuminati game predicting planes crashing into the WTC back in 1995.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 10:54 PM
its really odd that things line up like that, but i figure if you cast your Fishing rod enough, your bound to get one right. I remember some really cool old card games that had some pretty wild scenario cards.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 11:08 PM
What if this flu somehow changes everything about a person and like in a zombie outbreak, it manages to seperate the masses? If you stay in and dont become infected then you are considered the crazy ones?

I am finding it increasingly difficult to deal with people who seem to know how I think about this infection. I dont even open my mouth and they already know what my stance is.

Something is very wrong about this infection. We have talked about HAARP and mind control, what if this virus is a carrier for the frequency which has the ability to change people into atomotons?

Very scary and would make Orwell turn in his grave.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by antar

Well in a sense are the people that stay inside the crazy ones? MAYBE....I would honestly rather go out now and get the milder flu that is going around than stay in like a refugee and wait until a (possible) 2nd wave of a more potent least if you get it now the effects are mild and you would at least have limited immunity to further more virulent strains....

SO is this to separate the masses?....good question. Maybe the people that are too scared to go out now will not be exposed, not have any limited immunity, and them BAM when they go out to stand in line for a vaccine...well I try not to be a fatalist, but ________ fill in the blank.

I say, I WISH someone would give me the stupid swine flu now

[edit on 3-5-2009 by mkultraangel]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by bobbylove321

Alright - I think this is pretty in your face - these coincidences - are getting pretty common - don't ya think?
Yes - just like the 9/11 cards
And the genetics yield abundant food -
Monsanto hard at work producing the new poison of the hour -
This is just in your face creepy.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 12:26 AM
I'm right with you all...too much coincidence in a court of law is called circumstantial evidence. That is how most crimes are proved in this country. In fact many people have received a death penalty for just a overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence.

So here is the situation. We have tons of training or hypothetical plots being concocted in certain agencies. Most of the major events of the past 8 years have had one of these "hypothetical" scenarios described to some accuracy in the same time frame that the "hypothetical" scenario.

It's enough to start an investigation...and they are so set on "moving forward" instead of "backwards." You try that # the next time you get arrested or stopped by a the law. "Your honor, I committed that crime the other day. We need to move past this all, we have better things to worry about than prosecuting me."

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 01:14 AM
I read the whole article and it sounds intriguing, however I do not just take Alex Jones at his word, and there is nothing in the article to indicate or prove that his claims are true. So I am not gonna bite this one, not until someone could provide actual proof that such statements were made.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 03:05 AM
Well, whether you believe the WHO who claims only a handful, or you believe the governments who are overlooking the situation who say upwards of a hundred are dead in Mexico alone. The fact remains that the common flu kills 30,000 plus people each year.

In my opinion, it appears as if the flu has done much more significant damage every year, other than this one. Sure things may get worse, but for now... I think we're far from 30,000,000 dead, when we haven't come close to the good ol' 30,000 mark.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 03:44 AM
I can maybe believe that there are a few people in the world who control everything and manipulate events, but the question on my mind is why they would leave so many hints as to their intention? It's like this is a big game to them, and they get a kick out of watching people connect the dots only to be called lunatics by everyone else.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by LiquidLight
I can maybe believe that there are a few people in the world who control everything and manipulate events, but the question on my mind is why they would leave so many hints as to their intention? It's like this is a big game to them, and they get a kick out of watching people connect the dots only to be called lunatics by everyone else.

Haha, when practically 90% of the population gobbles up main stream news full force, they don't give a damn about those who connect the dots, cause as you say "...only to be called by lunatics by everyone else." People are usually hopelessly ignorant thanks to the spin on reality that the Main Stream news and media outlets portray.

This swine flu garbage just shows have quick they can own everyone.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by bobbylove321

This has nothing to do with the swine flu.

Look when it was written: March 5th 2009.

Also the supposed source of the outbreak was China:

Technology could not solve some old problems, as in 2009, when an influenza pandemic struck in southern China, then rapidly spread worldwide. Three hundred-thirty million people were affected and over thirty million died. No one ever determined if the virus was a natural mutation or bioengineered.

Many feared the latter.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 04:39 AM

This has nothing to do with the swine flu.

First, it's not the ``swine flu`` it has nothing to do with pigs. From WHO: new influenza A(H1N1). So, it's influenza... like in the document.

Look when it was written: March 5th 2009.

I've had this document for a long time. Much earlier than March 5,2009. If you don't believe me, that's your choice. I had this document since at least early 2008.

But yeah, the outbreak didn't start in China for all we know. Still, considering their history of putting their plans in documents in advance... like 9/11 in Pentagon scenarios + New American Century + The Lone Gunman TV show...

For the 30 million dead, we'll see. They all say that it's gonna come back later with a deadly new mutation.

And if you really want to kill the most people around the world, Mexico is a good place to start a virus since this is one of the biggest tourist destination.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by Vitchilo]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
First, it's not the ``swine flu`` it has nothing to do with pigs. From WHO: new influenza A(H1N1). So, it's influenza... like in the document.

I was addressing the OP's question about this having something to do with swine flu. As for the document, it's actually leaning very heavily toward avian flu...

I've had this document for a long time. Much earlier than March 5,2009. If you don't believe me, that's your choice. I had this document since at least early 2008.

I was referring to the infowars article.

But yeah, the outbreak didn't start in China for all we know. Still, considering their history of putting their plans in documents in advance... like 9/11 in Pentagon scenarios + New American Century + The Lone Gunman TV show...

For the 30 million dead, we'll see. They all say that it's gonna come back later with a deadly new mutation.

Well for this supposed prediction to be true there are a number of specific things that need to happen, there's still time of course.

[edit on 4/5/09 by Chadwickus]


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