Last summer I stumbled upon a youtube video on the Sumerian texts. I became interested and did some research into the subject. I found the story
absolutely intriguing. The more I read, the more I realized how much the texts actually parallel The Bible. I even sat down with The Bible in hand
and compared the two. Quite often it seemed both "books" were relaying the same message.
Today I stumbled upon a post
(1) discussing the similiarities in The
(2), the Sumerian texts
(3), and the Terra
(4). Although I do have some background information on The Bible and the
Sumerian Texts, to the Terra Papers I was ignorant.
I decided to go out and do a little research on the subject. In fact I decided to just go ahead and start reading the document. Then my jaw hit the
In the beginning of the book there is a prologue. In fact, what I read in the prolgue had me so enthralled that I stopped reading just to make this
The version I am reading is available on the internet, and appears to be a scanned copy of the book. I am unsure exactly when the book was written.
However, there is a signature on one of the first pages with the date of 17/8/1996.
The prologue contains the following passage:
"Man will soon be surrounded with images of asteroids and falling fiery comets. Black pigs will be seen everywhere as will Angel figures.
Dinosaurs will become children's heroes and violence will be the foundation of their play. New airborne diseases, immune to existing treatments,
will surface. NASA will be rendered weak and impotent, if not terminated.
A galactic war of conquest rages over our heads....
Earth...and the prize."
Black pigs!? Seriously... Does anyone else find that chilling?
It's now time for me to consume the rest of the Terra Papers.
1. Terra Papers, bible, sumerian tablets all the same story?
2. BibleGateway
An online searchable version of the bible in various languages.
3. Surfing The Apocalypse
The site discusses Sitchins work. The most valuable information, links to historical references and various translations of the texts, are
located about two-thirds of the way down the page.
4. Terra Papers
[edit on 3-5-2009 by Namaste]