posted on May, 3 2009 @ 02:26 PM
Sen Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania decided to switch parties in order to save his skin. He was facing possible defeat in the primary next year by a
popular conservative Republican. He would definitely of won the November election as he is quite popular with moderates and Democrats. He needed to
survive the challenge, and things were looking quite bleak.
His decision had nothing to do with beliefs, as it had more to do with him not being forced out of a cushy job. It also seems he is voting more like a
conservative Republican now that he has switched parties. He will filibuster the EFCA bill that is coming up, and he is from a heavily union state. I
still don't know why he is going to do that one, as he will likely face a challenge from a Democrat in the Spring of 2010.
He will be 80 years old when he runs for his sixth term in the Senate. He has had past health issues which he has beaten so far. He should be more
graceful like Sen Bunning of Kentucky and retire. He has not gained much support from the Democrats as he thought he would.
I am one who does not make age an issue, but I also do think it is time for someone else. Thirty years is more than enough for someone to be a
Senator. He is not about ideas, but about keeping the perks of Congress. He wields a lot of power, and does not want to lose that. This one will be
interesting to watch in 2010.