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Too much power?

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posted on May, 2 2009 @ 10:59 AM
He was the candidate of change, he was the man of hope, he has been called a Messiah. He is President, he will have unprecedented power ultimately in all three branches of this government.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Barack Obama is reveling in presidential power and influence unseen in Washington for decades.

Barely 100 days in office, the U.S. president and his Democratic Party have firm control over the White House and Congress and the ability to push through ambitious plans.

Now, with the coming retirement of a Supreme Court justice clearing the way for him to appoint a successor, Obama already is assured a legacy at the top of all three branches of government -- executive, legislative and judicial.

Take a good long look at what is going on, set aside your personal ideologies, party affiliation and with an open mind please answer this... Should one person have that much power?

If there was such a thing as an Antichrist this would be a perfect way to rise to power. But he is not.

If you have a bad feeling about what has happened in the first 100 days of this presidency, you should be preparing yourselves for what could happen in the next 3 years. With the power this president has and will have in all three branches of government he is literally capable of doing anything, and so far what he has done is only the beginning.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

Republicans lost, Obama won. Learn to deal with it. If you want to consider someone for an anti-christ consider bush, started a war that killed thousands of innocents. What is it with you people and Obama, he may have put you people more in debt but from what I have seen so far he hasn't been the cause of innocent lives been lost for a war started on false pretenses now has he?

[edit on 2-5-2009 by da_beast_666]

[edit on 2-5-2009 by da_beast_666]

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by da_beast_666

Of course they did, and few were as happy with that as I was... At least in the beginning.

That is the problem with this country in particular the two party system... We keep making these extreme left to right and right to left swings in power and what it has done is created a complete mess of things and each time more and more extreme agendas get pushed through.

There is no longer a middle ground for independent thinking, you are either republican or democrat.

The previous Bush administration made such a mess of things that well, the American people have turned over all of the power to the other side. So here we are, a new president with extremist leanings to the left and one who has nearly unstoppable power over the nation and government though the ability to push through orders and legislation without any means to stop it.

This really shouldn't be a they won, you lost issue... Ultimately we could all lose here and there isn't a damned thing you can do about it.

Well at least not until the next elections where if motivated the people can once again vote in the other extreme of right or left and the new games begin.

[edit on 2-5-2009 by Walkswithfish]

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 11:46 AM
Quick, go to the swine flu topics.

Nothing to see here, move along please.

Meanwhile, in Washington secret plans to create full blown socialism and end the capitalist system for good are in the works.

Life: If you live the way we want you to. Liberty: Dependence is far better than liberty. The pursuit of happiness: We give you television and movies you need nothing more.

Go back to sleep.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 11:50 AM
The Democrats didn't win...but I can tell you who loses every single election cycle: the people. Having two branches so completely controlled by any one party usually makes me uneasy, but this time given the ambitions of the Obama administration its even more disconcerting. Honestly I would rather there be laws in place to mandate a split in control of at least congress at all times to prevent laws from basically being rubber-stamped through as I suspect we will no doubt see again and again until balance is restored.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Helig
I would rather there be laws in place to mandate a split in control of at least congress at all times to prevent laws from basically being rubber-stamped through as I suspect we will no doubt see again and again until balance is restored.

That would be nice, but how could it ever happen?

Actually you may have found one issue both sides can agree on, they would never pass laws which could limit their ability to gain ultimate power.

They are continually fighting for it, that lust for power and partisan control of government will, I assure you, be the ultimate complete and total downfall of this nation, a nose dive into 3rd world status.

It is an epic war, the main battles take place near the end of every election cycle, the people are the pawns. A destructive war that will one day end.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

Of course they wouldn't be down for being hobbled from their inner most dreams of passing any legislation they want irregardless of opposition from the other party. Its this constant feigned back-and-forth game which made me throw in the towel as far as voting is concerned because you are only exchanging one slimy liar for another when you vote.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Helig

Sorry to hear you have thrown in the towel, but I don't blame you. Perhaps the only hope we have is for a multitude of Americans to become so disenchanted with partisan politics that we can hopefully one day have a true independent party, and a centrist government which will actually focus on the issues from a non partisan perspective.

But that is a dream, in reality the two party system will continue, and it will bring about the slow progressive destruction of this nation.

Each time we elect and new president and congress where extreme partisan agendas get pushed through we all lose.

Do any of you actually believe that either the republican party or democrat party have your interests in mind?

Do any of you actually believe that any partisan politician is in control of their own actions?

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 12:55 PM
Neither party has the interests of citizen in mind. It's always the dream of power. I read the article referred to in the OP last night and it just confirmed what I've been feeling. Then the next post expressed what all obama supporters everywhere say: bush was worse, look at bush, bush did this, bush wasted money on war etc etc. of course obama got elected because so many people disapproved of bush but never mind the war, this president has spent more money in the first 100 days than anybody else dreamed of spending (or would have dared to spend), and taken over industries and fired CEO's. Anything inconvenient he "didn't know" about, from rev. wright's anti-american leanings to the NYC flyover with his own personal plane. Congress passes bills he pushes without reading them (stimulus) and others they probably do read (budgets) because the party in power trusts him. We have become a banana republic. The talk about how the economy will eventually recover is true but the country we had based on the constitution is morphing into something different.

I wonder if the democrats in congress have noticed that they actually have no power now either. he doesn't share it with them, they are just the back up singers. go watch one of those tv infomercials with old film of the supremes where diana ross sings the melody and the back up dances around and shooby do's and you'll see obama and his democratic congress. an share in power is an illusion. the dems simply rubber stamp whatever the chief wants. if they don't, they will find themselves in trouble. did you see the pictures of obama and biden at the white house welcoming specter to the democratic party? those face-splitting grins? it was like a meeting of the mafioso.

yes i know, obama won. get over it. whether you've realized it yet or not, we've all lost.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by da_beast_666

Republicans lost, Obama won. Learn to deal with it. If you want to consider someone for an anti-christ consider bush, started a war that killed thousands of innocents. What is it with you people and Obama, he may have put you people more in debt but from what I have seen so far he hasn't been the cause of innocent lives been lost for a war started on false pretenses now has he?

Republicans lost, Obama won. Dealing with it is not a problem. Mid-Term elections in 2010 are just around the corner. No use crying about it, no use holding a grudge. I know this concept is very hard for Obamatrons to deal with. Just look at the above quote as an example to that.

In four years we will be asking the same question....but it will be about the Republicans holding too much power....what goes around comes around.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
In four years we will be asking the same question....but it will be about the Republicans holding too much power....what goes around comes around.

And there is the problem... Again!

That should scare everyone more than the pig virus they want you to pay attention to.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 02:57 PM
This kind of power over just one industry must be incredibly thrilling for a president...

Chrysler’s Fall May Help Obama to Reshape G.M.

WASHINGTON — Fresh from pushing Chrysler into bankruptcy, President Obama and his economic team are hoping that the hard line they took last week gives them leverage to force huge changes in General Motors, a far larger and more complex company.

Officials say that, difficult as Mr. Obama’s decision was on Wednesday to take all the risks of a Chrysler bankruptcy, the politics of reshaping G.M. will be far harder. Already a shadow of the company that once dominated the American landscape, G.M. will be forced to eliminate tens of thousands of additional jobs and close factories and dealerships nationwide.

In Chrysler’s case, the tough job-cutting decisions had already been made and the government is taking only a small stake. An alliance with Fiat envisions selling the company’s cars in new markets around the world and adding cars that use Fiat’s fuel-efficient technology.

But in G.M.’s case, Mr. Obama will be forcing deeper cuts and becoming the controlling shareholder. He will also be overseeing the radical downsizing of G.M.’s work force as he is trying to reverse rising unemployment.

Obama's power will not end with the auto industry.

Eventually his agendas will have impact on every person in this country.

He is not only commander and chief, he is now also the owner of many major banks, financial institutions and of course the new CEO if the big three. The private sector will belong to his government and they will squeeze whatever life is left out of the remaining capitalist system in this country.

Again I ask.... Too much power?

[edit on 3-5-2009 by Walkswithfish]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 03:45 PM
I recall another President that took in too much territory.

He decided to fire the head of the CIA, turn all paramilitary ops over to the military, shift intelligence to the military, alienated the military itself, and in general, wanted to make a lot of changes in a short period of time.

Which he didn't have much more of.

John F. Kennedy made a lot of changes too.

Changes that were quickly reversed.

Then his younger brother was going to do the same.

Robert Kennedy.

That didn't happen either.

[edit on 3-5-2009 by dooper]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by dooper

Are you implying that assassination is an inevitable outcome here?

I would certainly hope not.

I would hope that eventually there will be a sustainable balance of power in this country, while I may criticize the President, his policies and his and his party's power over the nation I wish them no harm.

Ultimately it is we the people who are to blame, we are (unless laws change) the only way to change it.

If we keep shifting power to a single party, ultimately one day we will put a person (s) in office that will launch a dictatorship, rule this nation and people with socialism, marxism, totalitarianism and there may be no way back except through world war.

I don't think Obama is the one, but he may very well be the last step, his successor could be, and that is a few years away.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 04:47 PM
Walker, I do admire your optimism. Optimism is a good thing to maintain at all times.

I was just pointing out the last President who set out to make too many changes too fast. Then the one who set out to finish his goals met the same end.

You alienate the wrong people, whoever they may be, and that among those who love their situation, that change simply won't be tolerated.

In every game, in every Presidency, there's winners and losers.

Some losers are patient.

Others apparently aren't.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by dooper

I don't think there's any real comparison between kennedy and obama. sure kennedy made some changes but what obama has done in terms of spending, involving the government directly in private businesses, uncheckable power in congress is something else altogether. Plus he does everything on an emergency basis. He reminds us time and again that the sky really is falling and only he can save us. well, not us exactly. he tells the democratic congress that, and they go along with whatever he wants. with this much power residing in one person, there's no need to change to a dictatorship. How would that be different? one man gets whatever he wants. i expect i'm exaggerating. tell me, someone, what compromises he's made since being in office.

It doesn't help that congressional republicans have the same values as the democrats, only they're not in charge. They don't want to change anything because they hope it will be their turn next time. I certainly hope not. This is not a good situation.

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