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Swine Flu IS RESISTANT to Anti-Viral Drugs

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posted on May, 3 2009 @ 06:02 AM
This reminds me ALOT of that time when our government and the FDA looked the other way while the market dumped loads and loads of that aids-infected drug on countries like france, spain and the uk. They speak of it in Zeitgeist 2. I'm scouring the video for more info now...

apprently it was something called Us Bayer, pretty sure thats an aspirin of somekind? I have alot of activities to get too so ill leave it at that for now.

No surprise to me that Rumsfeld would come up with the idea, its probably stimulating to the inevitable collapse of the economy, and the last thing the coorperate elite want is for the system to fail, so they're propping it up anyway they can. It will fail, and we will see massive change in the future.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by Ansiroth

And part of that 'prop up' could be implemented in the mass global sale of anti-viral drugs that are out of date (Virus wise), have no impact on any virus and according to some reports we are seeing, possibly dangerous.

What better way to bring money back into the system than by scaring the public into spending..

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 04:19 AM
Now here's some very interesting reports on the 'resistance' of this virus. It looks like someone is determined to get Tamiflu and Relenza sold...

Using single antiviral drugs to treat the current outbreak of swine influenza could result in the development of a resistant strain, a leading flu researcher said here. The virus is, however, susceptible to the neuraminadase inhibitors, oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza).

The risk is high that a strain resistant to all of these drugs could develop as long as the disease continues to be treated with single medications, Robert Webster, Ph.D., of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, said at the conference on Influenza Vaccines for the World.

"We can't continue to use single antiviral drugs. . . . The virus will win the game,"

But it does go on to mention;

up to 67% of seasonal H1N1 influenzas in Norway were resistant to oseltamivir during the 2007-2008 flu season, according to Jennifer McKimm-Breschkin, Ph.D., of CSIRO Molecular & Health Technologies in Australia.

This occurred even though Norwegian doctors made very little use of oseltamivir, illustrating the ability of resistance to develop without any drug treatment.

Some reports are more 'advisory' rather than 'buy this works'...

Anti-viral drug Tamiflu must be used with care to avoid the new strain of swine flu developing resistance, an expert on infectious diseases has warned. t

And some seem to not want to step into any unknown territory and get their feet wet...just in case.. but they are trying to d something and look as though tax payers and share holders benefit...

On Wednesday, the CDC reported that influenza A H1N1 viruses from 13 patients with confirmed diagnoses of swine flu had been tested for resistance to a variety of antiviral drugs. The good news was that all of the isolates were susceptible to the antiviral drugs oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza). However, all 13 were resistant to adamantane-based drugs (amantadine and rimantadine). Resistance to adamantane drugs (which were developed first) has actually become quite widespread among flu viruses in general, so oseltamivir and zanamivir are commonly the drugs of choice.

confirmed by the CDC...

This swine influenza A (H1N1) virus is sensitive (susceptible) to the neuraminidase inhibitor antiviral medications zanamivir and oseltamivir. It is resistant to the adamantane antiviral medications, amantadine and rimantadine.

Or is it all just one big test???

An escalation of the outbreak will be a real-life experiment of how much protection the drugs provide should a flu pandemic erupt, said Brian Currie, medical director for research at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx and an infectious-disease specialist.

It's also a test of human behavior. After the 2001 anthrax scare, the antibiotic Cipro disappeared in six hours from Montefiore's pharmacy. Doctors prescribed it for each other and for relatives.

Already, some flu victims in New York said, their pharmacies have run out of Tamiflu.

This slightly earlier report does not do much in the way of helping to understand the actual truth behind any or all of the reports posted above, which just all happen to be from around the 28/29th April

January 15th, 2009 By Kyung M. Song

One of the major strains of the influenza virus this season has become resistant to Tamiflu - rendering the mainstay antiviral drug all but impotent and creating tough treatment options for patients who come down with the flu.

On Dec. 19, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) alerted local health authorities that an early testing of the most common type of seasonal flu found that it has become virtually impervious to Tamiflu.

The resistance, apparently triggered by a spontaneous mutation in the virus, comes three years after a different subtype of the flu virus became widely resistant to another drug class.

Worryingly, there is an apparent resistance in avian flu too. Could a blend of avian and swine flu, which some fear, be the end for many many people?

A new University of Colorado at Boulder study shows the resistance of the avian flu virus to a major class of antiviral drugs is increasing through positive evolutionary selection, with researchers documenting the trend in more than 30 percent of the samples tested. The avian flu, an Influenza A subtype dubbed H5N1, is evolving a resistance to a group of antiviral drugs known as adamantanes,
In contrast, resistance of the avian flu virus to the second, newer class of antiviral drugs that includes oseltamivir -- a prescription drug marketed under the brand name Tamiflu -- is present, but is not yet prevalent or under positive genetic selection.

No matter how you look at it, both swine and avian flu are gathering a resistance towards treatment, and as some have stated, the single us of a single drug will only make this resistance much more stronger. We may be facing a very deadly virus the next time it comes around.

This report suggests that all which we are reading and being told about Tamiflu, etc. is mere nonsense. To stop any infection from any animal the focus of prevention must be the bridge between human and animal and not treating sick would appear it will be too late once humans get it.. This is worth the read.. it may hold some very important info that nobody else wants to consider due to the loss share holders will make..

Dr David Hill on why antiviral vaccines are not the answer to a possible swine flu pandemic, and why more fundamental action is needed. For for all the above reasons, an international and national strategy based on a drugs solution is not the answer; we have to look at how animal flu makes the transition to humans.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by Darthorious

Found this article- Canadians are essentially saying that anti-infuenza drugs like Tam and Rel are not to be given widely, due to fear of resistance. This seems to be a polar approach to many countries, such s the US, China, etc., who are gong the 1)quarantine; and 2) dose with antivirals dance, in advance of a vaccine (which will most likely kill as many or more than the strain(s) circulating. What does the Canadian Gov know? My gut tells me they are aware of the development of resistance to the anti-virals, and are hesitant to be caught with their proverbial pants down.


posted on May, 9 2009 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by Gyrochiral

I totally agree with you.

Swine flu has been talked up to panic people.

Don't worry about it , worry about something else, or even worry about nothing! Worry is a negative emotion and gets you nowhere.

Just live your life and be happy.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by Extralien

If there is any thruth to the garlic story i guess we should see this within a couple of days/weeks because this baby is spreading through Europe as we speak and i know of no other country in the world were the consumption of garlic is as high as in Italy.
Guess italians should be save then??...any reports from Italy about swineflu infections??

Now i know why i like italian food so much!!...

Best dish in the world...!!!!



posted on May, 10 2009 @ 04:28 AM
This is from LAST year- from CIDRAP- proving H1N1 and H3N2 resistance to anti-virals.

The same lab (with BSL4 capabilities) that has been playing around with the 1918 strain. Co-incidence?

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:48 PM
Again from CIDRAP- posted today:

WHO cautions against use of anti-virals to prevent resistance, so as to provide assistance to "high-risk" groups.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 01:22 AM
M2 section of new H1N1 (revised by CDC from 29 April to 13 March-

Now resistant to all adamatines and rimantidine. As well, the M2 region of swH1N1 (swine flu) versus seasonal H3N2 and seasona H1N1 has a protein change from isoleucine to valine in the sequence:

From (today):

I believe this shows that not only the obvious portions of the viral material (human, swine, avian) are the beginning of the mutations we can expect to see as this strain reassorts.

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