posted on May, 1 2009 @ 05:25 PM
I was just thinking that a great amount of people who have had abduction or other experiences with aliens, are rarely drawing pictures of their
The only ones who seem draw their encounters are those who write books about their experiences, but I find that it would be interesting and maybe
important, if there were images of the abduction and other alien experiences people have had.
I know that not everyone are on that point that they would like to think about their experiences as they may be hard to deal with...or some may think
that they can't draw...but I think it doesn't would still be a great thing.
I have only had this face vision of alien, but It was so vivid and important and I remembered enough of the face, that I wanted to draw it and show to
others, mostly because I wanted to find people who may have seen similar type of being.
If it comes a time when the world is coming to the point of realizing that aliens and abductions/experiences exist, I think it would be great if there
were drawings of experiences showing as much details as the experiencers can remember.
So why wouldn't you all experiencers grab a pen and try it? =)
Truth is out there
[edit on 1-5-2009 by starlightbright]