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Woman's Flu Symptoms Divert plane to Logan

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posted on May, 1 2009 @ 04:25 PM

A flight coming out of Germany was diverted to Boston after a woman on the plane complained of Flu like symptom's.

According to airport authorities, there are 245 passengers onboard the plane and 16 crew members

Apparantly they took her off at a cargo terminal and to the hospital, and the rest of the flight could continue on to Washington.

Looks like Boston was deemed better to handle it. sounds like this has been happening a lot over the last few days.

Why would they go on like this, This lady was for all intense purposes Exporting the flu to the US, No wonder this flu is going global, we are shipping it to
wherever there is a runway.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 04:38 PM
That doesn't make any sense, they diverted the plane bc a passanger had flu like symptoms, but did not check the other people on the plane who had been locked up with her for what about 8 hours? If it were that serious they would have tested everyone on the plane instead of letting them continue their travel plans.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by searching4truth
That doesn't make any sense, they diverted the plane bc a passanger had flu like symptoms, but did not check the other people on the plane who had been locked up with her for what about 8 hours? If it were that serious they would have tested everyone on the plane instead of letting them continue their travel plans.

ASfter 8 hours together , they get her off and CONTINUE on their journey

with possibile "infected "passengers. I guess they want to spread the

joy to Boston and Wash.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 04:57 PM
Joe Biden must feel vindicated by this one.
But where is the reports from the people on the plane? Surely there was someone video taping this with their cell phone.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by itappearsthatway
Joe Biden must feel vindicated by this one.
But where is the reports from the people on the plane? Surely there was someone video taping this with their cell phone.

Dont think your allowed to use cell phones on a plane

Im sure if this turns out to be bigger, vids will show up


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