posted on May, 1 2009 @ 02:42 PM
I have been reading about and pondering this new flu for a few days now. And now it's quite obvious that we are in a catch 22 or sorts.
You see, on one side you have the posibility that this is the real deal and that if the flu gets out of controll, we all die.
On the other hand, you have a rather weak and possibly non existant virus that causes mass hysteria due to TPTB and its pet the media. Every one is
forced to obey their government and give up their freedoms due to possible martial law, and forced vaccinations for the imaginary virus chip and tame
the populus.
So whether or not it's actualy a real threat to our lives, if we're not carefull, our lives get leashed by the government. That is why no one should
be taking this situation lightly.
It seems more and more people are waking up everyday though, you can almost feel it. This may be it, people. Don't blow your chance at stoping what
we have all been resisting here.