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Is April Cursed??

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posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 06:40 PM
I have done some research on disasters that have occurred in the month of April. Is April a cursed month? I know that bad things happen everyday, but not on such a grand scale.

1775- The American Revolution begins at Lexington and Concord
1815 -The Tambora volcano in Indonesia erupts and killed almost 100,000 people
1854 The immigrant steamer ship "Powhattan" sank off Long Beach, NY. more than 300 people died
1859 Another steamer ship "Pomona" caught fire and sank in the North Atlantic killing all 400 aboard
1862 - Battle of Shiloh - US and Confederate casualties of more than 20,000
1865 - Abraham Lincoln is assasinated at Ford's Theatre in Washington DC
1865 - The explosion on the steamboat Sultana kills an estimated 1,547 people, mostly Union soldiers returning home after the Civil War.
1873 -The British steamship Atlantic, enroute to NYC from Liverpool sank off Nova Scotia 565 people died.
1881 River ferry "Princess Victoria" sank in Thames River, Ontario, 180 died
1889- Adolf Hitler born
1906 - The Great San Francisco Earthquake and Fire.
1915 - The Titanic” sinks after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage, killing 1,517.
1918- Spanish flu killing millions.
1918 Electrical fire kills 38 mental patients at Oklahoma State Hospital.
1930 -A fire at the OhioState prison kills 320 inmates. One of the worst prison disasters in American history
1936 - A series of tornadoes swept across Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia killing 500 people, injuring more than 2000.
1940 Fire in a dance hall in Natchez, MS kills 200
1944 - The cargo ship Fort Stikine explodes in a berth in the docks of Bombay, India, 1300 people died.
1947 - Texas City's port on Galveston Bay, a fire aboard the French freighter Grandcamp ignites causing a massive blast that destroys much of the city and takes approx. 600 lives.
1947 A series of 15 tornadoes struck Kansas, West Texas and Oklahoma. 181 were killed and some 1,300 injured.
1949 St. Anthony's Hospital burned and killed 77 in Effingham, Ill.
1961 - The Bay of Pigs invasion began.
1965 A series of tornados left 256 people dead in the US Midwest all in one night.
1968 - The Ferry "Wahine" sinks with 800 on board off the coast of New Zeland, 60 people died.
1968 - Martin Luther King assassinated.
1974 A series of 148 deadly tornadoes struck wide parts of the South and Midwest be-fore jumping across the border into Canada; some 330 people were killed in 13 states. Total property damage was estimated at $600 million.
1979-An F5 tornado destroys half of a town in Wichita falls, TX killing 52 an injuring approx. 1800 people. Most costly tornado ever at that time.
1980 -A 727 carrying British tourists to the Canary Islands crashes and kills 146 passengers on board.
1983- The U.S. embassy in Beirut, Lebanon-a car-bomb explosion kills 63 people, including the suicide bomber and 17 Americans.
1986 - Explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear plant.
1989 - Tianamen Square China
1990 - Two ferry accidents, one in Myanmar (Burma), another in route from Norway to Denmark, caught fire and sank killing 320 passengers and crew.
1993 -Waco Texas - Branch Davidians
1994 - Ruwanda -Presidental guards at Kigali Rwanda, chopped 1,200 church members to death
1995 - Oklahoma City Bombing Murrow building
1999- Colombine school shootings-13 died, 23 injured
2004 -3,000 people were killed when 2 trains carrying oil & petroleum gas collided and exploded in North Korean train station
2007 - VA Tech Shootings - Blacksburg,VA a lone gunmen kills 32 people and wounds others before committing suicide.
NOW 2009- New virus threatens world with pandemic

I hate the month of April myself. I was one of the injured in the 1979 Wichita Falls, TX F5 tornado and it killed my grandmother as well.
I'm so glad tomorrow is MAY!!!

[edit on 30-4-2009 by sickofitall2012]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:52 PM
Hey you missed a year. 1956 my birth year, born in April. Yeah, I'm old all of a sudden, happens fast.

Well my life has been one big disappointment after another. I seem to be a magnet for mayhem and create calamity wherever I go. So you just might be on to something.

"I was born in an abundance of inherited sadness." - Whiskeytown, Ryan Adams.


posted on May, 1 2009 @ 05:12 PM
That's awful!! I'm sorry, and I wish you the best. I have a friend that I call the queen of misery, she was born in April as well.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

I am born in april too, and i feel the same.

April has alot to do with violent death things for some reason, there is some satanic holiday around 20th or somthing, cannot remember what.

[edit on 5/1/2009 by andy1033]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 07:13 PM
APRIL 28th 1996
Tasmania, Australia
35 people shot and killed at tourist site, PORT ARTHUR

just another one for your list!

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 07:26 PM
If you think about it, it would make sense that a lot of bad things happen in the month of April in the Northern Hemisphere. For armies, it's the first month where you can have relatively high assurance that there's not going to be snow or cold to kill off your troops. Therefore, many battles and wars begin then. Since generals have had months of planning that one battle, they're often huge and devastating.

Sickness, too. For the first time, people are getting out and mingling with complete strangers in parks and the like.

When you factor those things in along with the random tragic events that happen every month (like MLK gettin' assassinated), it can appear to be a cursed month. I'm not thinking it is, though, but rather a month of opportunity for soldiers and viruses!

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 05:24 PM
reading your op from 2 yrs ago. very depressing. april isn't over yet in 2011. but in 2010 , bp spill, yushu earthquake, and volcano incident.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 07:35 AM
i may do a report on this, it seems very intresting

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by 2theC

My aunt has the full poster of your avatar

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