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Selling Tamiflu, even if it doesn't work.

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posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 08:36 PM
Why is the government shipping supplies of Tamiflu from it's stockpile to all of the states?

CDC: First Tamiflu Stockpile Shipments Arriving

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 12:10 PM

WASHINGTON -- The government says the first shipments of the drug Tamiflu from the federal stockpile arrived in New York state, New York City and Indiana Wednesday morning, and all states will get their share by Sunday.

As a precaution, the government has decided to ship to the states enough medication to treat 11 million people — just in case the new swine flu takes off.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.


The reason I ask is because the Tamiflu in the stockpile does NOT vaccinate against swine flu!

Swine Flu Vaccine Won't Be Ready Until September

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:45 PM

WASHINGTON – A top U.S. health official told lawmakers that vaccines against seasonal flu likely to not protect against swine flu and that a vaccine against that deadly disease cannot be ready before September.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Also from Newsmax

So why would there be such urgency to make sure that everyone had access to a vaccine that will NOT protect us from the threat?

I suggest two possible reasons.
First, It is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to sell Tamiflu. An odd coincidence given the prediction of an increase in sales of Tamiflu by some 500% for 2009. It might also make one wonder how this prediction was concluded if this outbreak is purely natural and there could have been no foreknowledge of the event. Unless there was foreknowledge and the jig is up a purposefully inflicted plague designed to depopulate And sell a product to which the only result is the further fleecing of the panicked masses with no effect on the virus.

Second, It could be even more sinister. There is an ingredient in the stockpiled Tamiflu that they want to inject us with. In this case the fleecing remains, but they would have the panicked masses lining up down the block for an injection that will NOT protect them from swine flu.

Again I ask. What is the purpose of rushing Tamiflu into the waiting hands of the states, surely to be quickly demanded by the frightened sheep, when Tamiflu will NOT vaccinate against swine flu??

Any other ideas?

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 09:28 PM
The prediction that sales would increase is startling.

Also alarming is the fact that Obama, Bush and Rumsfeld own stock in the company that produces Tamiflu.

The Chairman of Research of Gilead Sciences from 1997-2001 was Donald Rumsfeld and he remains a MAJOR stockholder in the company. Owning in 2005 between $5 million to $25 million in stocks.

This old CNN money article talks about how he profited from the Bird Flu outbreak fears.

CNN Money Article from 2005

Disclaimer: Whether Tamiflu is safe or not I do not know. They could easily mix something into it.

However Tamiflu is not a vaccination and it is not injected. Tamiflu is the trade name for Oseltamivir. It is a pill and has also been produced in liquid form.

Wikipedia Article on Oseltamivir

It was developed by US-based Gilead Sciences and is currently marketed by Hoffmann-La Roche (Roche) under the trade name Tamiflu.

(underlining added for emphasis.)

Like zanamivir, oseltamivir is a neuraminidase inhibitor. It acts as a transition-state analogue inhibitor of influenza neuraminidase, preventing progeny virions from emerging from infected cells.

In simpler terms it helps to slow virus replication in the body.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Studious]

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Studious]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 09:40 PM
What they are doing is pushing a joke of a "anti viral Vaccine" that has been proved to be no only dangerous but inefficient to treat the Avian (SARS) brake out flu in China, that is when the vaccine was first put to the test.

And we all know the horror stories about it.

The swain flu is not the Avian flu and it will not do a darn thing to help anything, I rather trust the regular seasonal flu vaccine better for the symptoms.

This nothing than profit makers.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by AlienChaser

Why is the government shipping supplies of Tamiflu from it's stockpile to all of the states?

CDC: First Tamiflu Stockpile Shipments Arriving

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 12:10 PM

WASHINGTON -- The government says the first shipments of the drug Tamiflu from the federal stockpile arrived in New York state, New York City and Indiana Wednesday morning, and all states will get their share by Sunday.

As a precaution, the government has decided to ship to the states enough medication to treat 11 million people — just in case the new swine flu takes off.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.


The reason I ask is because the Tamiflu in the stockpile does NOT vaccinate against swine flu!

Swine Flu Vaccine Won't Be Ready Until September

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:45 PM

WASHINGTON – A top U.S. health official told lawmakers that vaccines against seasonal flu likely to not protect against swine flu and that a vaccine against that deadly disease cannot be ready before September.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Also from Newsmax

So why would there be such urgency to make sure that everyone had access to a vaccine that will NOT protect us from the threat?

I suggest two possible reasons.
First, It is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to sell Tamiflu. An odd coincidence given the prediction of an increase in sales of Tamiflu by some 500% for 2009. It might also make one wonder how this prediction was concluded if this outbreak is purely natural and there could have been no foreknowledge of the event. Unless there was foreknowledge and the jig is up a purposefully inflicted plague designed to depopulate And sell a product to which the only result is the further fleecing of the panicked masses with no effect on the virus.

Second, It could be even more sinister. There is an ingredient in the stockpiled Tamiflu that they want to inject us with. In this case the fleecing remains, but they would have the panicked masses lining up down the block for an injection that will NOT protect them from swine flu.

Again I ask. What is the purpose of rushing Tamiflu into the waiting hands of the states, surely to be quickly demanded by the frightened sheep, when Tamiflu will NOT vaccinate against swine flu??

Any other ideas?

TamiFlu is not a vaccine, and nothing you posted stated so. TamiFlu is a treatment for people who catch the flu. TamiFlu works the way it's supposed to.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:03 PM
Beware of the symptoms of Tamiflu and these symptoms were linked to the deaths in China from people after taken this anti viral.

Some people using oseltamivir have had rare side effects of sudden confusion, delirium, hallucinations, unusual behavior, or self-injury. These symptoms have occurred most often in children. It is not known whether oseltamivir was the exact cause of these symptoms. However, anyone using oseltamivir should be watched closely for signs of confusion or unusual behavior. Call a doctor at once if you or the child using oseltamivir has any of these symptoms.

In China the most affected by this symptoms where mostly Children and teens and they were not as "rare" as they are trying to tell.

Japan Links Tamiflu to Sudden Deaths in Children

The US and the anti viral makers try to dismiss the claims as over blown out of proportion.

The equivalent to oseltamivir is zanamivir that also carry the same dangerous symptoms.

The swain flu has not even claimed as many lives as the regular seasonal flu in the US no even in Mexico.

This should be observed by everybody in the population because is smell like government agenda.

Beware people, is not enough deaths for the WHO to be pushing a pandemic and the Tamiflu.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 11:10 PM
Here in NZ, Swine Flu has been making big news headlines (like most of the world at the moment). And whenever there is talk of swine flu, there is always talk of Tamiflu.

One reporter on the news even stated that Tamiflu was the only thing you could use to protect yourself from Swine Flu. (emphassis added by me in bold).

This infuriated me for a number of reasons. Tamiflu does not protect you from flu viruses. Although, you'd think it would by what you see in the media.

Meanwhile all Waikato residents who were on the NZ1 flight returning from North America on Saturday have been contacted and prescribed Tamiflu. They have also been asked to isolate themselves.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.


So not only the infected on this flight are prescribed Tamiflu, but all of them, even though it won't stop them contracting the virus. I know it reduces the virus transmission within the body, but it is certainly not the only drug to do this.

It is really fishy that there was a 500%+ projected increase in growth for Tamiflu this year. I know I am warning my friends and family to at least be wary of the big push for Tamiflu (and vaccinations in the future). But I'll keep an open mind, who knows whats going to happen in the next couple weeks.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 11:21 PM
I took it a while ago and the effects have been great with no side effects whatsoever.

My family knows of a swine flu case and this guy is taking tamiflu right now and he is already a lot better! And this was a officially confirmed H1N1 case.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by thegreatobserver

I took it a while ago and the effects have been great with no side effects whatsoever.

May I ask what effects you have noticed that have been great? And did you actually have the flu when you started taking Tamiflu?

Just curious

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:50 AM
The effects have been great because I was almost back to normal the next day after taking it and completely back to normal within 3 days.

Sounds good to me

Saved me some time out in bed.
And, by the way, no side-effects. I'm still alive. According to this thread I should already be dead or at least half.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by thegreatobserver]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:55 AM
This is just like in 1976 (no I wasn't alive but this video makes it pretty obvious).

Scary everyone into taking a vaccine. You don't want to die from this do you? You want to get shot with a chemical you know nothing about instead

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 07:27 PM
This thread brings up the serious concerns about Tamiflu and Relenza.

ATS Thread by illusionincarnate

The side effects of Tamiflu can be very serious even deadly. These drugs have lead to suicides particularly effecting those between the ages of 10-19.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by Studious]

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