posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 09:35 AM
This is becoming a real problem for people, not just here on ATS, but several well known forums, to many chef's in the Kitchen, dozens of different
opinions, advice to steer clear of Tamiflu and other products.
Does anyone actually know the truth? does anyone have an inkling as to which advice is right?
Surely spreading the wrong information is likely to put lives in danger even kill some, this is why people are becoming paranoid, and when people are
paranoid, they don't think straight, again it puts lives in jeopardy.
Myself I have already made plans for if this does mutate into something even more deadly, Tamiflu is now not an option, because there are so many
different opinions, a lot of it just plain old scaremonger tactics, but I have a feeling those who are doing that to instil fear, will have questions
to face when all this is over and more facts are known.
You know it's fine to have an opinion, but base it on facts, not just a gut feeling, and all this absolute crap that's been spilling over for over a
year now, you know the crap I'm talking about, this Americanising of ATS, you know it doesn't matter if your not American, of course it bloody
matters, sure America has problems, so does the rest of this Planet.
Until we start forgetting about invisible borders, then we give TPTB permission to do what they like, stand up for a change and do something about it,
instead of waiting for someone else to get off their ass and do it for you, for the sake of the Human race. stop fighting with each other and really
take control of your lives, remove those who you think are bringing us all down, until then, don't waste your time.
Their going to complain anyway, it's not just ignorance being fought against here.