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Egypt MPs seek 'immediate death' for nation's pigs

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posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 07:49 AM

Egypt's lower house of parliament called on Tuesday for the nation's 250,000 pigs to be killed immediately because of fears over the spread of swine flu, state news agency MENA reported.

Wow, I'm just very glad this is being called Swin Flu and not Mexican Flu in Egypt

Reminds me of a discussion I heard on the radio yesterday where people debated if it is save to eat a Mexican Restaurant. Mind you that I live in an EU country with not even 1 suspected swine flu case.

I guess eating at a Mexican restaurant is save, as long as you don't eat pork

By the way. I don't really think the members of parliament are that dumb. The Muslim majority is probably just using this as an excuse get rid of those Christian pigs.

[edit on 29/4/2009 by FreezeM]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 07:52 AM
Noooo not pigs flying afterall...
It's "Pigs Dieing" !!!!
What a pity that we have been reduced to this......such ignorance.


posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 07:53 AM
Omg I seriously just chuckled. Wow the ignorance.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 07:55 AM
Morons. And these are the people who run that country? Jeeze ... and I thought the morons that ran our country were bad. (they are). But that's REALLY bad!!

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 08:42 AM
Now now everyone of course they hate the pigs, it is an Islamic nation and we know how they feel about pork. Hmm, why would they have so many pigs if the population doesn't partake of swine????

I wonder if Israel is going to follow suit here with this one. I guess they could all blame it on "Father Abraham or maybe Moses".

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by redhead57
Now now everyone of course they hate the pigs, it is an Islamic nation and we know how they feel about pork. Hmm, why would they have so many pigs if the population doesn't partake of swine????

I wonder if Israel is going to follow suit here with this one. I guess they could all blame it on "Father Abraham or maybe Moses".

Actually I think that 250,000 pigs on a population of 80 million is not much at all. It's only the small Christian minority that keeps pigs.

Where I live we have about 14 million pigs at any given time on a population of 16 million. Every year 20 million pigs are born here, some exported alive, others killed here and there meat exported. Most estimates are that we produce twice us much pork than we can eat.

About Israel, it's a bit difficult since the word Pig is not considered Kosher. They already renamed Swine Flu to Mexican Flu.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 07:48 PM

There has got to be another reason behind all of this other than the so called Swine Flu. Even though there is no confirmed cases of the virus in Egypt. Why is the Govt. doing this? Do they plan on taking their lively hoods so that they have to resort to Govt. dependability. I could go on but you get where I'm going and if they keep the process up things will get that way. I think this whole thing is just a big test to see how things go so they know how to plan for the big virus to spread better. I guess they have never played Pandemic 1 or 2

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 03:00 PM
What the hell is wrong about not keeping alive Pigs and just Storing their meat before getting any confirmed cases of the virus in the country, it has to do nothing about religion in fact I have so many christian friends that really think that this is a wise thing to do.
also by the way most of Egyptian Christians doesn't even eat Pork
If your all just vegetarians and believes that no animal should be killed and bullsh.. like that I can understand you but otherwise your just being so full of sh.. they just get killed anyway.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 03:39 PM
The transmisson of the flu from human back to pig actually started on April 14th in Canada. The Canadian Governement went to the farm to contain it and when all was done and everyone well they came out with a news conference to announce it. IN MAY! The one doctor totally screwed up when he said they got the first call on April 14th, that alone just goes to show how much about it they are hiding.
Check the dates that the Egyptians started to cull their herds!

[edit on 4-5-2009 by xoxo stacie]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 04:10 PM
Yeah The reason there are pigs in Egypt is a 10% Christian population.

I wrote a theory in the update thread - this is my theory about the culling of pigs in Egypt:

"I came to this conclusion since I have been following the developments of the spread of H5N1 in Egypt a couple of months back.

Reason for doing this was to check the current status of the spread near Europe.

And I now suspect this is the real reason for the culling of all the pigs there. And it's not only because the muslim population dislikes pig in general:

They are of course terriefied for this H1N1 (swine/man/Avian) to re-combine with the H5N1 in the pigs there (like in Alberta Canada but here the pigs will be incubators of a new virus with both H5N1 and H1N1) into a Armageddon virus. Add the fears of the h274y mutation (Tamiflu resistant strain) in the seasonal flu to combine with our H1N1 - and it becomes very clear for me this is very very serious indeed!

This could be the reason for why the scientists and DNA-experts now are freaking out, and to why we are seeing this high level of alert.

And the virus is now already in Europe and on the shores of Egypt (Israel)

Is there anyone that agree with this theory?


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