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tonght's episode of Law and Order

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posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:03 AM
did anybody watch this tonight? edit: this is a brand new episode...and i think it's just weird that a topic like this is showing...with everything that is going on with the "swine flu". i don't usually watch this show...but i was flipping through and noticed they were discussing a measles scare and the ethics of vaccinations.

just checked on imdb....the episode is called Selfish


the end-of-episode court trial mainly discussed whether a mother was guilty or not because her non-vaccinated son was exposed to measles (he actually survived with his own immune system) and he passed it on to other kids at a park..who later died.

sorry if that doesn't make all that much sense..i tried to condense i'm kinda lazy right now. i need to turn the tv off's non stop. they're trying to scare me...and it's working.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Sakuraba]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:01 AM
Don't worry yourself buddy, the end will come when we least expect it. My wife and I first started showing symptoms of the flu a few days ago, right when this situation was getting out of hand. The first night she had a fever and body aches. The next day I started with a sore throat which steadily got worse. I woke up feeling sore and out of it yesterday and turned on the TV to see nothing but sensationalistic news about this flu outbreak. What do I do? Well, I turn off the set, put some tunes on the stereo and get dressed. I then walk to the corner store to buy some beer and enjoy the spring morning. I never forget to look for the beauty in life, no matter what the circumstances. I had a nice day and spent the rest of the evening watching a movie with my family. Right now, I feel fine. My point is, don't let the fear and paranoia of the world get the best of you. Enjoy life, while it's still here and keep an open heart, another, better world might just be around the corner.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:07 AM
I think you can prepare, try and avoid people unless you have to go around them. Thats what Ive been doing. I dont see any reason to panic and run for the hills. Me personally I dont think it would kill me but Im in the age range and I dont wanna feel that sick. Not to worried about H1N1 Im more worried about whats next. The MSM is going to hype this a little for ratings. Just try out some a lone time, go fishing or whatever. Stay healthy and wait it out. Its not the end of the world

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:18 AM
Oops...wrong thread.....deleted

[edit on 29-4-2009 by phoebeflakes]

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