posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 11:36 AM
It's All About the Numbers...
I certainly lean toward conspiracy but that will not be my message today, only the hard core facts of why you should be concerned and that truth can
be found in the number of people who have died.
Pandemic means that the same disease breaks out across the world at the same time.
The death rate of any influenza determines the ferocity of the strain of influenza.
A typical annual type of flu has a death rate of .001% - a very deadly flu has a death rate of 1.0% - the most terrible flu we know of was the 1918
Spanish Flu with a death rate of about 2.5%
Now the math, and this is why you are either being lied to, or this is the ultimate killer flu...
Let me take one of the recent figures as a control for representing the numbers. Mexico city - 149 deaths, 1600 infected.
These numbers tell you without the possibility of a mistake that you are being lied to in one way or another. Given the absolute mortality data that
can not be denied about every strain of flu we have ever seen in recorded history...
For the ease of the math lets just say there were 100 deaths - for that flu to be an annual normal strain it would require 100,000 people to be
infected at a death rate of .001 - For it to be an incredibly bad strain 100 deaths would require an infection rate of 10,000 (not 1600, and we're
just looking at 100 of the 149 in one single outbreak, Mexico City).
Now think about it... If you have 100 deaths for it to be anything between a mild annual flu and a really bad flu you would need an infection rate
between 10,000 and 100,000 right now.
The worst flu ever recorded, the 1918 Spanish Flu, having 100 deaths at an absolute death rate of 2.5 would in this case require 4000 people to be
infected (not 1600, and we're just looking at 100 of the 149 in one single outbreak, Mexico City).
Well, obviously, when you do the math based on the statistical reality of the death rate, empirical data not opinion or conspiracy, we are looking at
a death rate of approximately 10% - far in excess of any flu in history.
Now the question is, why would the smartest people in the world try to pass a lie so easily proven false - unless it's true? And if it's true, this
is indeed the big one.
[edit on 28-4-2009 by TeabagObama]